Ryan Rockwell is the founder of Modern Yoga Teacher. He’ll show ya how to launch your teach-from-anywhere yoga business while working with one student at a time.
“Did you think it’d be this hard to be a full-time yoga instructor?” he says in his latest YouTube ad.
“Most teachers get this rude awakening when they go out in the real world and they start trying to teach,” he continues.
“It doesn’t have to be that hard.”
“The truth is, is you need just one to two new students per month to be a full-time successful yoga teacher.”
“I help yoga teachers create an abundant living,” Ryan announces.
“An abundant lifestyle, doing the work that they love, all while honoring their integrity at the same time.”
“I’m the former online marketing manager for the Yoga Journal, and I’ve been a yoga teacher for 16 years myself.”
“Over that time, I have seen so many yoga teachers who were willing to invest sometimes tens of thousands of dollars into their education, yet it was so hard for them to make that back as a teacher.”
“But I truly believe with all my mind, my body, and my soul that yoga teachers should be paid what they’re worth, for what they offer the world.”
“And that’s transformation.”
“I also believe that financial abundance is every yoga teacher’s right.”
“It allows them to truly just focus on the relationship with their students when they’re not having to worry about money.”
“And that’s exactly why I was put on this earth. To help yoga teachers just like you to accomplish this.”
“And it all starts with differentiating yourself from other yoga teachers.”
Step 1 is to make your mess your message.
Humans love to help people who’ve been through some stuff, especially if it’s similar to the stuff we’ve been through.
So share your story. Not only is it freeing, but it’s also financially rewarding.
Step 2 is to lean into your power.
Ryan wants you to embrace your role as a healer because in doing so, you have so much value to offer the world.
So be proud of it, shout it from the rooftop. That’s the Modern Yoga Teacher way.

Step 3 is to create your signature program.
“I want you to take you life’s most meaningful work and put it into a program that’s truly transformational for people,” Ryan says.
“Because, isn’t that why we became teachers? Was to help people change their lives, the same way that yoga did for us?”
But you probably have quite a few questions about executing those three simple steps, don’t you?
Good, that’s what Ryan’s free workshop, The Solution To Becoming A Full-Time Yoga Teacher, is for.
There, he’ll cover the step-by-step blueprint for doing the work you were meant to do, and do so quite profitably.
Apparently, more than 70,000 yoga teachers from around the world have already attended.
It’s not gonna be easy, you might slip up in the beginning, Ryan warns, but it’ll definitely be worth it.
“If you stay with me, I will promise you, being a full-time yoga teacher isn’t just possible, but it’s a straightforward process that’s doable for so many of you out there.”
“So say goodbye to the group class studio grind and welcome in a new way to teach,” he pitches.
After the workshop, of course, Ryan tries to sell you his paid program, Modern Yoga Teacher.
According to one former student who left a review on Trustpilot, it’s pretty pricey.
Cost is $8,000 if you buy on your first call with Ryan’s team.
Otherwise, if you wanna sleep on it, it jumps to $12,000.
Other than price and pushiness on those sales calls, nearly 90% of reviewers left Ryan a 5-star rating, with some calling his coaching “absolutely amazing,” “a beautiful challenge,” and even “life-changing.”