Bradley Gibb, Ryan Lee, and Jimmy Vreeland want you to “rise up and live free.” They’re the cofounders of CashFlow Tactics.
They sell courses and coaching programs designed to help you achieve financial freedom in under 10 years, regardless of age, income, or experience.
“There’s four tenants, four things that we stand for as it relates to money,” Ryan says.
“Number one is production. Number two is protection. Number three, it’s profit. And number four, it’s prosper.”
“People come all the time to Cash Flow Tactics and they’re like, ‘Okay, show me where to invest, show me where to put my money,'” Ryan continues.
“And yes, there’s power in that, but if you don’t invest in production first and foremost, you’ll always be stuck despite any results you get in your investing,” he points out.
“Because the reality is, as a producer, you see the world as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to develop, to expand your possibility by investing in your mindset, your skillsets, and/or your network.”
“If you think about it, you’re only one mindset, skillset, or connection away from a radically different life.”
“So to create a new version of you, you gotta invest in those things.”
“Production is how you interact with the world.”
“If you don’t have enough money in your bank account, you’re probably not functioning at the highest level as a producer.”
“Maybe you’re more of a consumer, trapped in the rat race. Constantly trying to get more money to spend more money to go out and get the next thing. A perpetual state of not enough.”
Whereas producers, Ryan explains, are looking at the world, going, “How do I use my unique talents and abilities to solve problems in the world?”
Which usually results in them having more money, right?
But also more respect for that money because they know what went into earning it.
So now they wanna figure out how to use it to build and live a life that matters.
But again, the first domino you gotta tip over is leveling up as a person.
The way you think, the things you’re able to do, the people you interact with.

Once you do that, you should be making more money, right?
So now, number two, you gotta protect it from all the moochers and looters.
Taxes, for example. Understanding how to use the tax code in your favor to be able to keep more of your money.
But then there’s litigation, inflation, shady business partners, scammers, market volatility, all kinds of people and entities and events that are constantly putting your wealth at risk.
So protecting your money is complimentary to becoming a producer.
Then the third tenant is profit.
Putting your money to work for you.
But not just increasing your net worth on paper, which may or may not be liquid and may go up or down depending on the day.
Nope, Ryan’s talking about leveraging your money to create new cash flow that you can’t outlive.
That’s what gives you the freedom to retire, to own and control your time, right?
So it’s about finding the right assets that give you the most predictable and sustainable streams of income.
Cool, make money babies, got it.
What else, boys?
The fourth and final step in the CFT program is to prosper.
If money was no longer an issue when you woke up tomorrow, ask yourself:
- What would you want?
- Where would you live?
- Who would you hang out with?
- What would you do during the day?
- Where would you eat?
Prospering is about aligning the money you have with your values.
It’s about giving yourself permission to live wealthy today.
And there you have it: the Core 4 tenants that Cash Flow Tactics stands on.
Join their Acceleration Mastermind for $5,000 or attend a Rise Up Live event (cost unknown) to learn more.
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