Dan Suckling is the creator of 6 Figure FitPro University, where he can get ya 5-10 new online fitness clients every single week on autopilot.
No need to post endless content or friend random people on Facebook or slide into a buncha strangers’ DMs.
Nope, Dan’s got the fastest and easiest way to scale to $30- to $50k a month.
And he’s so confident he can help you, if you don’t make back double what you pay him, he’ll refund every penny plus throw in $2,000 for wasting your time.
Inside 6 Figure FitPro University, Dan and his team have already had quite a few of their students blow right past $20k a month using their Client-Getting Robot System.
In fact, they’ve had 100+ fitness coaches reach 6-figures and four have become millionaires.
Also, Dan walks the walk. Claims he’s built not just one but two 7-figure businesses of his own. Grease don’t pop on the stove no more. Moved on up. Double shot, Hennessy, fills Dan’s cup.
Sorry, where was I? Blacked out for a second.
Dan’s Client-Getting Robot System will have clients chasing you, instead of the other way around.
You’ll be seen as an authority in your niche, allowing you to charge higher prices.
You’ll be able to replace yourself in the DMs, so you can streamline and scale the client acquisition process.
You’ll get more paid in fulls.
And you’ll finally hit your revenue goal without logging more hours.
Dan’s approach looks a little complicated when he brings up a diagram of how it all works, but don’t you worry. They’ve done most of the heavy lifting for you. The funnels, the automations, the sales pipelines, the email sequences, the ad copy, you name it.
And these assets are battle-tested by hundreds of other digital fitness slash wellness coaches.
Here’s how it works.
You’ll leverage Facebook and Instagram ads to get your message in front of your ideal clients.
To get ’em on your list, you’ll offer ’em something that’s free, valuable, and in alignment with their number one problem or pain point.

Once they opt in, you’ll deliver that freebie and then send ’em to a short video, asking ’em to book a call.
Next, you or your sales rep will hop on the phone and hopefully close ’em.
Anyone who doesn’t book a call right away will be followed up with, via daily email drips – and each email will drive ’em back to your calendar.
You’ll also stalk ’em with retargeting ads, showcasing case studies and testimonials. That way, you’re squeezing maximum bookings outta your list.
Will you have to spend a fortune on ads? Not according to Dan. They’re seeing numbers like $3 a lead, on average.
Which, if 25% of those leads book a call and 80% actually show up to the call, at a 50% close rate, you’d only have to spend like $30 a day to enroll one new high-ticket client per day.
If you’re charging thousands of dollars for your program, that’s a pretty bignormous ROI.
But, in my opinion, there’s no way one out of every four leads is booking a call; and you ain’t closing half of ’em. Maybe on your best day, but not as an average for the entire month.
No doubt Dan knows his stuff. I just don’t think the numbers will play out that well for you.
My other concern is what happens when thousands of his mentees are all using the same basic ads, targeting, landing pages, freebies, emails, etc., all leading to similar offers at similar price points?
Especially if you don’t look like a fitness model and you don’t have pages and pages of before and afters from clients you’ve already transformed. Why would anyone choose you, ya know?
Something to think about before dropping $3,000 on 6 Figure FitPro University.