Cash Flow Is King Review


Eric Spofford doesn’t smile, he glares at the camera like it owes him money. Think I’d rather run a marathon in Crocs with no prior training and Khloe Kardashian’s queefs as my only air supply than owe him money.

Eric wants to show you how to buy your first Section 8 property in 30 days or less.

Section 8 is a federal program that pays the rent for people that are at or below the poverty line. 

Eric acquired 100+ Section 8 homes, remotely, in under six months.

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He’ll teach you how to find cash cow goldmine properties in the perfect areas; get the deals done using very little of your own money, and regardless of your credit score; and do it all remotely, same as him.

Eric went from homeless drug addict with two trash bags of clothes, to sober 9-figure earner between business and real estate.

Today he’s got a mansion in Miami and a $6 million dollar yacht and tattoos and bling and cool cars à la Wes Watson who he actually runs masterminds with. Muscles and murses, homeh.

Eric made his first real estate investment at 23. It was a 3-unit apartment building. His dad helped him out with the down payment.

He turned it into a sober living house, maximizing what he could charge for rent.

You do not need to do that to start. You can but you don’t have to.

Eric had been sober himself for three years at this point.

He lived in one of the units for free while the cash flow from the other 2 units paid for food and whatever else.

Nothing’s changed in 15 years. Eric’s passive income still picks up the tab. Yes, even on G-Wagons and jets when your portfolio’s as big as his.

Eric’s done so many commercial and multifamily deals he’s lost count.

His favorite, newest investment, though, is single family Section 8 homes. They’re so lucrative. It’s backed by the government who pays above market rates for qualified tenants to live there.

You can get 30-50% cash-on-cash returns.

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Good luck getting that in any other area of real estate.

With rent checks and returns compounding, Eric now lives like he’s in a rap video.

He wants all of us to experience financial freedom. There’s no reason to struggle. Not when you have the right game plan and an experienced mentor calling the plays.

Remember, real estate is real. You own these homes. You can drive up, knock on the door – boom, there’s your money.

And it’s for life. A business can go under at any time and for a whole host of reasons. Pandemic, recession, competition, a policy change, you get depressed and don’t wanna work on it, AI, anything. Right? But not real estate. Barring a natural disaster, these houses ain’t going anywhere.

And over a considerable period of time, prices go up and to the right.

Plus there’s tax benefits. Depreciation and whatnot.

All the while, it’s paying you to own it. Show Eric a stock that sends you a check each month.

He sleeps like a baby knowing if, God forbid, anything should ever happen to him, his two boys are covered. Same with their kids one day. Real estate is Eric’s legacy. Generational wealth.

So here’s the pitch.

Get your first Section 8 property using creative financing within the next month.

Cash Flow Is King Section 8 Coaching Program provides the training, mentorship, meetups, and resources you need to follow in Eric’s footsteps.

The regular price is $4,997 but you can get it for $1,997 after you attend his webinar.

I prefer virtual real estate. Tap below to see why.

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