Elite Blog Academy Review


Ruth Soukup wants to be your blog momma. She started a personal finance blog back in 2010. One thing led to another. Today she’s a multimillionaire, bestselling author, podcaster, and, on her website, she says she’s even given a TED Talk.

But it was actually a TEDx Talk. The “x” matters.

TED Talks are big, fancy speeches by really smart people, while TEDx Talks are smaller speeches by normies in their own towns. 

Chalk one up on the sketchy scoreboard. In my opinion, there’s no way that little fib was accidental. 

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Other annoyances before I review Elite Blog Academy?

Ruth stacks paid programs like pancakes at iHop:

  • Elite Blog Academy Foundation
  • Product Launch Playbook Academy
  • S.C.A.L.E. Your Business
  • Activate Coaching Program
  • Living Well Planner
  • Do It Scared
  • Thinlicious

Wonder if any of ’em get the love they need? And how many thousands will you have to spend before you have all the puzzle pieces?

And why the waitlists and countdown timers? Seems like fake urgency, doesn’t it?

And does Ruth even blog anymore? (Not that I can see.)

But anyways.

Elite Blog Academy costs $4,997.

It’s a 12-week program covering the basics of blogging. Although some students report it taking a year or more to get through.

It’s for new bloggers who’re dead-set on succeeding, or experienced bloggers wanting to blast past their current results. Not for the half-hearted or half-committed.

The curriculum isn’t about making a quick buck but building something that lasts. Ya know, like my generalized anxiety.

According to Ruth, you should have at least 10 hours a week you can devote to blogging.

To which I say: five years ago, maybe. Today, you’re gonna need way more than that. It’s cutthroat. Plus, you’re up against ChatGPT and all the AI writing tools.

Shoot, I could blog all day every day and it still wouldn’t seem like I’m doing enough.

Oh well. Least it doesn’t feel like work, right?

You can blog in your jammies or workout clothes or your best bondage clothes, you little horndog you.

And you can do it from your bed or your home office or the couch or a Starbucks. Or at an airport before you board a plane. Or on the plane… if there’s WiFi. Or at an Airbnb or a hotel or two-drinks-deep at the hotel pool.

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Okay, but what if you suck at writing?

Well, not to crumple up your dreams like an empty Capri Sun, but blogging’s probably not the best biz for you to get into.

Unless, of course, you have ChatGPT write everything for you. Which some bloggers do. But that’s a race to the bottom if you ask me.

Not that the Elite Blog Academy modules are even current enough to address artificial intelligence.

This course is basically an old cobweb-covered bike buried in the corner of Ruth’s garage. She should just get rid of it – make more room for her Mercedes.

I thought this one EBA student summed it up pretty well.

They said they didn’t recommend it because it only tells you what to do, not how.

That it’s the same info you can get in Ruth’s Blogging for Profit book, which sells on Amazon for a whole lot less.

And that, if you do buy, you’ll need to purchase Ruth’s other programs to fill in the missing gaps.

They don’t think Ruth is evil, but she definitely puts money over people.

Pretty harsh, huh?

Now. EBA does come with lifetime access. Maybe Ruth revamps it at some point, makes it into the complete, well-rounded blogging course it’s marketed as.

If not, since there are no refunds, you’re SOL.


There are better courses from bloggers who only blog and know what it takes today and won’t try to upsell you.

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