
Rob Dial is looking fresher than a mint sprig in a mojito. He claims he can help you start a coaching business that does six figures in profit, this year, with zero startup costs.

This, despite the average coach in the U.S. only making around $15k a year.

How’s that even possible? Some secret Japanese protocol, Rob manages to say with a straight face. Something about removing the three core money blocks.

Yep, this just got weird.

Read on for my review.

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Jeremy Lee Miner is the CEO of 7th Level Communications, which teaches a model of selling Jeremy created based on years of studying human psychology.

His so-called NEPQ framework earned him $33 million in commissions as a W2 sales rep.

Now hundreds of his students are using it with similar results.

Imagine getting on a sales call and handling any objection a prospect hurls at you. Calmly, confidently, with the ease of a bird gliding through the air.

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Doug Cartwright is the founder of Alchemy Sales Coaching, a community of sales pros looking inward, focusing on the four areas of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Because if one of those areas is not in alignment, it’s gonna affect how you show up in sales and in the business world.

“I love the idea that you actually don’t have a sales problem,” Doug says, “you have a personal problem that’s affecting your sales.”

Read on for my review.

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Doctor Isaac

Dr. Isaac Jones, a chiropractor not an MD, is the founder of Health Experts Alliance, the global leader in the virtual practice industry. In fact, Isaac said he pioneered the whole thing back in 2008, 2009. A few years later, he had a seven figure virtual practice, working just two days per week.

This allowed him to be a family man. He’s married, has four young children. He and bae homeschool ’em. They travel a lot. Been to five different continents. Just squeezing all the juice outta this grapefruit we call life.

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Blair Sunset

Blair Halver, with the hardest profile pic I’ve ever seen there, got into real estate investing right before the last crash. So like, late 2007, early 2008. Did some wholesaling. Then started his own lead generation service called Dealbot. When that took off, Blair was so busy he stopped doing deals himself.

But once he saw how much money some of his clients were making off the leads he was sending ’em, it was like, damn, I gotta dust off the boots and get back in the ole stirrups.

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DaSilva Group Inc

Gabriel DaSilva is a real estate guru who sells a number of programs: Add-A-Level Bus Tour, Fix & Flip Foundation, Real Estate Riches Mastermind, Learn & Earn DaSilva Group, The Fix And Flip Syndicate, and more.

But what’s his deal? Is he legit? Or does he just make all his money selling everyone his secrets?

Read every word of this review to find out.

“As far as my origin story, it’s not unlike many of yours,” Gabe says. “I was in the 9-to-5 grind, hated it, no opportunity to grow, to create any significant value.”

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Accelerated Investor

Josh Cantwell wants you to join him, his team, and hundreds of other successful real estate investors at the Forever Passive Income three-day live online event.

They’ll be giving you the exact blueprint they’ve used to raise millions of dollars in capital, acquire over 4,000 multifamily units, and retire early with apartment buildings.

Sounds like the hot sauce on my taco, the ketchup on my fries, the pepperoni on my pizza.

But what’s the catch, right? Read on for my review.

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Chris Strouthopoulos has an impossible last name and a TEDx Talk on how fear holds us back. He helps adventurous men beat professional burnout, up their confidence, and create lasting fulfillment.

“Are you tired of being a hamster, endlessly spinning a wheel, counting down your days to retirement?” Chris asks in a selfie style video he shot mid hike. “Wouldn’t you rather be outside, doing something like this? So you can feel like a superhero, instead of being stuck inside, playing small?”

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The Value Add Dad

Terrance Doyle is a former NBA sports agent turned real estate investor. In 2015, he started investing in multifamily properties in Des Moines, Iowa, with his dad and brother. And they literally just built it up brick by brick.

“Our business model is, we own the construction, we own the property management,” Terrance says. “So, back in the day, when we were doing flips in Louisville and Dallas and Denver and all over, the problem was, I lost a lot of money putting my trust in other people.”

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Technion NYC

Ilana Golan helps driven professionals leap in their careers, be it to the top of the corporate ladder or straight into entrepreneurship.

If you feel stuck, if you feel like you can do more, if you want to figure out what your passion is, what your next move should be, that’s what her CareerLeap program is for.

And again, it may be moving up to VP, it might be switching industries, or quitting and launching a startup. Either way, Ilana’s here to help you navigate that.

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Logan Shippy has an opportunity for you to create passive income online. Their team will build and manage an ecommerce business on your behalf. Meaning, they handle the product research, the listing of profitable items in your store, order fulfillment, returns, cancellations, customer support, literally everything.

So you can sit back and watch the world spin, the stars twinkle, and the universe unfold in a cosmic dance of infinite possibilities and wild imagination. Or Netflix. That works, too.

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Ruth Soukup wants to be your blog momma. She started a personal finance blog back in 2010. One thing led to another. Today she’s a multimillionaire, bestselling author, podcaster, and, on her website, she says she’s even given a TED Talk.

But it was actually a TEDx Talk. The “x” matters.

TED Talks are big, fancy speeches by really smart people, while TEDx Talks are smaller speeches by normies in their own towns. 

Chalk one up on the sketchy scoreboard. In my opinion, there’s no way that little fib was accidental. 

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Automated Scaling LLC

Trevor Berke has bug eyes. Talks fast. Just got his black belt in hypeology. Last year he promoted a credit repair course. This year it’s Remote Automation. Next year it’ll be something else. 

Kid could sell snow to Santa. Dreams to a sleeper. Honey, if he started a cult, people would line up just for the Kool-Aid.

Curious about RemoteAutomator.com? You’re in the right place. By the end of this review, you’ll either be diving for your wallet or dashing for the exit. 

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Kingdom Real Estate Investors

Ellis Hammond created a mastermind called The Kingdom REI to help other Kingdom leaders multiply their income and impact through real estate investing.

Believe it or not, Ellis says, it’s actually easier to go bigger in real estate than it is to stay small.

He would know. He went from college pastor to buying more than $100 million in multifamily deals in three short years.

Can I be honest though? So far, this dude seems fake as hell. Is he just using religion to take your money? Let’s explore.

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COA Book

Clients On Automation founder Ed J C Smith has a book – well, a digital download – he’d like ya to get your eager mitts on.

It’s called Coaching Business Secrets. Inside, you’ll find a step by step guide to making $100k per month as a coach.

Because right now, your offer’s not landing, is it? Your marketing’s off. You’re not collecting enough email addresses and phone numbers. Which means your lead flow’s on the fritz.

Relax. Little Red Riding Hood here has you covered.

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