Nathan Nazareth Reviews


Nathan Nazareth is an ecom entrepreneur from Vancouver, Canada. He started Shopify dropshipping a little over two years ago as a broke college student.

He profited over $150k that year.

The following year, he did over seven figures in sales between dropshipping, ecommerce, YouTube, affiliate marketing, sponsorship deals, courses, and coaching.

More recently, he’s put his money to work by investing in stocks, crypto, and NFTs.

Read on for my Nathan Nazareth review.

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These days, Nathan’s at a point where he can pretty much live anywhere, travel whenever, eat the finest foods, wear the freshest threads.

He doesn’t take it for granted, either.

He’s super grateful for all the amazing opportunities the internet’s given him.

Believe it or not, on top of all those income streams, he’s still a full-time student at the University of Victoria, where he’s working towards his Bachelor of Commerce degree.

And he still maintains an active social life.

Needless to say, my man’s plate is full.

“I’m not a one-dimensional person,” he says. “I’m interested in business and making money online; of course that’s my passion.”

“But at the end of the day, when Friday and Saturday rolls around, more often than not I do go out for a couple drinks with my friends,” Nathan continues.

“I hang out, I kick back, I relax, I enjoy all the things I’m supposed to be enjoying when I’m young.”

“And that balance is so so important for me, and honestly it’s a big driver for my success, just knowing that I have something to look forward to.”

“And I know I better work hard all week so that when Friday rolls around, I can celebrate,” he explains.

“Celebrate a new milestone in terms of subscribers, in revenue for a company that I started, or something like that.”

“I do also have a girlfriend and it’s pretty chill because she also does some work for me inside of my companies.”

“And we get to spend time together but also work towards a common goal in business.”

“She’s really passionate and interested in a lot of the stuff that I’m into.”

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What else?

Nathan’s pretty active in the gym, he goes for runs almost daily – anything to keep his mind sharp and his energy up.

He’s at his best when he’s active.

“And honestly?” he says. “I don’t know where I’d be without fitness.”

“I grew up my whole life playing sports, so it’s kind of just something that’s been instilled in me for a very long time.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I enjoy going to the gym and working out seven days a week, and that’s just me.”

Nathan’s ecom advice?

  • Network with others who’re already doing well at it.
  • Develop habits around product research, testing ads, tweaking your storefront,
  • Study copywriting and marketing and sales.
  • Believe in yourself when there’s no reason to.
  • Or else you’ll probably quit when the going gets tough. And, trust him, it will.

Biggest dropshipping mistakes he sees people making?

Not working directly with a reputable supplier.

If you just use AliExpress, expect shipping delays, quality issues, chargebacks, and all sorts of headaches you don’t want.

Second is not having enough capital to get started.

Nathan recommends $2k, minimum, or you’re gonna be limited in what you can do.

Third is not exploring TikTok dropshipping.

Both organic and paid. People are killing it with this right now.

Want Nathan to mentor you?

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No word on cost. Book a call to learn more.

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