Mohammed Malik is the face of Remote Wellness Academy, or RWA for short. He found an untapped industry that makes him between $15,000 and $20,000 per month, consistently. And he does it all online.
You’ve probably never even heard of this industry but it’s helping people live their best life.
And don’t worry: no need to create your own product or spend money on inventory or deal with any of the headaches that accompany most internet businesses.
Forget about Amazon FBA, Shopify dropshipping, real estate investing, crypto, or anything else that’s super risky or crazy competitive.
Yeah yeah yeah, just tell us what it is, bro. What’s this unicorn-of-an-opportunity?
It’s called remote wellness, Mohammed finally says.
And he discovered it by complete accident. You see, back in 2016, he’d just graduated college, was buried in student loan debt, took a job working the front desk at an Equinox gym.
Figured he’d be a star employee, climb the corporate ladder, right?
But that wasn’t happening. So he got online, took a stab at Amazon FBA. Actually made some money, but hated it. Too much grind, too little profit.
A year or two later, Mohammed’s still at Equinox, still smiling at every duck-lipped, Lululemon-wearing housewife who strolls in for their midmorning spin class, still re-racking weights left strewn across the floor, still desperate for a way out.
And that’s when one of the personal trainers, who was running behind, asked him if he could fill in and do a consultation with this one chick.
Mohammed reluctantly agreed. He was super self-conscious about it. After all, he looked more like he was there to reset the router than inspire someone to sign up for in-person training.
But whatever, he goes through with it, and Diane, or whoever, tells him, “Look, I know what I need to do – drink water, eat better, exercise more – I just need someone to hold me accountable. And I’d rather not have to come to the gym every day.”
This was a light-bulb moment for Mohammed.

“Heck, I’d happily do that for ya,” he told Diane, knowing Equinox offered no such service.
And just like that, Mohammed had his first high-paying wellness client.
He went home that night, did some Google searches on how to cut sugar from the diet, how to manage stress, how to sleep better, et cetera, then used the Shortcuts app on his iPhone to schedule twice daily reminders to be sent out to Diane for the upcoming week.
Just to give her that accountability and motivation she had been lacking.
To Diane, she felt like she had someone in her corner 24/7. She could reply to his prescheduled text messages at any time and Mohammed was happy to respond.
Had she signed up for personal training at Equinox, she would’ve gotten, what, a mere 45-minutes of attention three times a week? And outside of that, she’d be on her own.
Anyways, she ends up losing 21 pounds, tells Mohammed it’s been truly life-changing working with him – just having him there made all the difference, empowered her to stick with it.
Mohammed decides he should be doing this for more people.
So he hits up everyone he knows, signs up 12 more clients, makes $15k in revenue in the very first month.
Quits his job, gets himself in much better shape, perfects his process, grows his “remote wellness” hustle into a respectable high 6-figure business, eventually launches Remote Wellness Academy to teach people like you his step-by-step system.
Submit an app to find out what it costs.
Liked everything I heard but I bet it’s tougher than a two dollar steak to land clients outside your warm market.