Fraser Mackie wants to know if you need more passive income in your life. If so, start to imagine dozens of properties, as far as the eye can see, feeding new income into your bank account like clockwork. Each and every month. Without ever needing to own, lease or rent any property whatsoever.
That’s right. No deposits or down payments or rent or even furnishings. No overhead, no debt, no risk, no worries.
Too good to be true? Read on for my review.
It gets better. No changing sheets, no dealing with guests, no bouncing from property to property to let people in who can’t figure out the keyless door lock.
And it doesn’t matter, you could live in the smallest, sleepiest town on planet Earth, and still use Airbnb to make a hands-free $504, $900, or even $5,250 each and every month.
Oh, and if Fraser and his business partner, Arthur Diulgerian, are to be believed? You can do so in the next 14 days.
Think that sounds impossible? Think again.
“A new killer innovation from the guys who put the hotel industry on life support [the Airbnb founders] is criss-crossing America, giving anyone, anywhere, a totally risk-free way to start making bank from real estate,” the voice actor in Arthur and Fraser’s pitch video says.
“Dozens of property owners within just miles of wherever you live are practically lining up to each pay you an average of $900 per month, pretty much for the rest of time. Just for you helping them out with one simple, almost fully automated task,” he continues.
“Giving you your own personal passive income machine that pays you more per hour than your family doctor makes.”
“So what’s that task? Why’s it pay so well? And how can you use it to replace your current income and start making money 24/7, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing?”
“Well, it’s a brain dead simple task you can do from your phone in just a few minutes a day.”
“Oh and don’t worry, you’ll never need to sell yourself to anyone.”

The secretive, hype laden pitch goes on, claiming Arthur here did this one task 87 times, and now $78 Gs just thuds into his bank account every month.
And he’s the only guy alive who can show ya how to create this type of cash flow, without any risk, marrying other people’s property with Airbnb.
Something they call Freedom Alliances. Which’ll have you sitting in the velvet throne of your very own Airbnb empire.
Whatever you’ve tried in the past – crypto, dropshipping, Amazon FBA, traditional real estate – can’t hold a candle to this.
“Just set up one of these Freedom Alliances using our step by step system,” the voice actor, who I now wanna throat punch, adds, “and in just 14 days from now, you can have your first Airbnb income stream locked in, flooding your bank account with new income every single month.”
“And if you’re unsure this’ll work in your area? Well, if you live within a 15-mile radius of any type of hotel or motel, big or small, you’re in the perfect spot at the exact right time to form these Freedom Alliances and turn BNB into your personal ATM.”
Blah blah blah, join today to learn what these Freedom Alliances are, how they work, why they work so well, especially right now, and how you can set your first one up over the course of the next life-altering 14 days.
And, for some unknown reason, you’ll make exactly $504, $900, or even $5,250 a month from it.
Gee guys, you didn’t just pull those numbers outta your butts, did ya?
When the pitch from hell finally ends, you’re asked to buy their 14-Day BNB Challenge.
Cost is $97.
After that, they’ll try to take you for tens of thousands more. Run.