Ariel Renee is a lash specialist and educator based out of Toronto, Canada. She’s the cofounder of Flowrish Lashes and the creator of Lash Unlocked, where she’ll show ya how to become a lash professional and make up to $10k a month working from home and setting your own hours.
Ariel has already helped countless women quit their jobs, live out their dreams of becoming a lash artist, and make great money on their own terms.
Will you be next? Read on for my Lash Unlocked review.
Ariel says she’s just an average girl like you. She decided to become a lash artist as a side hustle. That turned into an accidental $10k to $15k a month, all while still having her full-time job.
So if you’re over there thinking Ariel must be something special or maybe she had a business background, nope, not at all. She’s actually a college dropout.
Her Lash Unlocked program really does take average people and walk them through exactly what they need to know to make $10k plus a month with their own lash business.
One of the main questions Ariel gets asked is who is this course for?
- If you’re stuck in a dead-end job…
- If you want more outta life…
- If you have a desire to be in the beauty industry…
- If what you’re doing now is sucking all the energy outta you…
- If you’re not feeling fulfilled…
- And if you flat out just wanna be making your own money and working your own hours?
This might just be for you, Ariel says. ‘Cause that’s exactly where she was when she started out lashing.
“Man, my job sucked!” she laughs.
“You know those coffee machines you have in your kitchen? The one that you put the pod in and the great coffee comes out of it? Yeah, I worked for one of those companies. And my entire day was spent in their warehouse tracking the returns,” she explains.
All day she would sit at a computer and peck away at an Excel sheet, trying to figure out which machines came back and which ones were still outstanding.
It was completely soul-destroying.

“If you can relate then maybe we should have a conversation,” Ariel says.
“But this isn’t for everybody. Let me tell ya who this is not for. If you are expecting someone to hand you a fully functioning business where you get a check on the 1st and the 15th and there’s not much work involved? Then this is not for you.”
“If you’re too busy to put the effort in and follow the training that I give you? Then this is not for you.”
“And if you don’t have at least some interest in lashes, makeup, or even the beauty industry in general? Then this is definitely not for you.”
Still here? Peachy. Now do Ariel a favor and daydream for a second.
Imagine never again waking up to an alarm. Since you’re the one booking clients, you only work when you want. And still, you’re on pace to earn six figures this year as a lash artist. Your 9-5 is now optional. You can travel, shop, go out for nice dinners, maybe even help your parents retire early like Ariel did.
It’s entirely possible thanks to Lash Unlocked.
No, it’s not magic; no, it won’t be a walk in the park; but with discipline and consistency, you can definitely do it. Ariel’s already drawn up the roadmap, you just gotta follow it.
Apply today. If Ariel thinks you’re a good fit, you can hop on a call and learn more about the program. She doesn’t say what it costs.