Michael Chang, is that you or did James Bond just walk in? If there was a “Slaying in Suits 101” class, Michael would be the professor.
He used to be an investment banker. His wife, Liz, worked in luxury fashion. Good jobs but they were sick of the corporate grind. They wanted all the freedoms: financial, time, and don’t forget location.
Having analyzed all sorts of different businesses in his investment banking career, when Michael came across Airbnb rental arbitrage, a mental fiesta ensued.
This business had it all:
- High cash flow
- Low upfront cost
- Amazing tax advantages
- And you could scale it up
Michael and Liz bet their boots, spurs, and entire ranch on it. And it was a good thing they did.
Today, they’ve got 26 short term rental units doing $2 million in revenue, and they’ve purchased $7 million worth of vacation rental properties in the Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.
Building and automating a seven figure Airbnb business made the Changs free at last, and it can do the same for you. In under a year, Michael claims.
But let’s go back a bit.
Michael and Liz started with a three-bedroom apartment in Queens, New York.
The rent was about $2,400 a month. And it did over $8,000 a month in revenue. After expenses, profit was a little over $3,000 a month.
Again, that was just one small apartment.
Anyone can do this. Whether you come from finance or fashion or flipping burgers at friggin’ Five Guys.
Michael was still working his day job at this point. Long hours. Never got to see his family or friends. But the success of that first apartment showed him: this is a viable way out.
So they added 20 apartments in Philly, all rental arbitrage plays.
Then used that cash flow to buy six vacation rental cabins in Tennessee that do almost $500k a year in revenue as well.
Wanna follow in their footsteps?
Perfect. That’s what their STR Like The Best course is for. Start, scale, and automate your short term rental Airbnb business.
Go from nothing to $2 million or more – same as the Changs.

How can this course help you build your wealth?
Michael teaches you his approach to rental arbitrage, which is the fastest way to acquire properties and the most capital efficient.
Once you have systems and people in place, you can expand quickly and still not work more than a few hours a week.
Because what good is more money if it leaves you weaker than a phone with 1% battery left?
From the sounds of it, this program hits harder than my alcoholic stepdad.
- Find the best properties in the best markets.
- Take a data driven approach using Michael’s proprietary methods.
- Underwrite like an investment banker.
- Forecast revenues like you’ve got a crystal ball.
- Figure out who to hire and how to train and manage ’em.
- Discover which software and tools you can’t be without.
- Optimize pricing for max occupancy.
All that and more. Put it all together and that’s how you’re gonna be really successful at this business, Michael says.
You should be able to launch within 45 days. If not, Michael will personally help you get your first unit live on Airbnb.
Okay, but what about the economic uncertainty we’re facing?
You’d rather get caught in a bear trap than dump thousands into an Airbnb… only to have it sit empty because we’re in a recession and everyone’s losing their job and 401(k)s are getting drained like a bathtub after a long soak… am I right?
Not to worry, Michael says. Follow his formula and you can’t miss.
Cost for the STR Like The Best Masterclass is $5,997.
Or you can apply for the full-on Mentorship Program, and get extra hand holding, for an undisclosed amount. My guess would be at least $10k, but who knows.
It’s all irrelevant to me anyways.
Talking trash on my MacBook pays too damn well to get sucked into anything else.