Austin Zelan has helped his students generate 6-figures in passive income in as little as two months. Not a typical result, granted, but what if you could do that in a year?
“My 6-figure mentorship program teaches people three things,” he says. “Number one, how to get access to investor capital. Number two, you’re learning about all the different investment strategies that I use personally. And finally, how to scale to 6-figures in passive income as fast as humanly possible.”
“We’re gonna guide you step-by-step to make sure that you reach 6-figures in passive income,” Austin continues, looking like a guy who’s trying to look like a guy who’s qualified to offer investment advice.
“So what that really means is that you don’t have to try and figure it out on your own. You don’t have to go out and try all these different investments and potentially waste time, waste money, maybe even make some bad investments along the way. I’ve already done all that for you,” he claims.
Why not just copy the blueprint young Austin here has created?
Wealthy people have one thing you don’t: access. They have access to education, to people, to opportunities you and I don’t.
Austin feels as though his job is to bridge the gap for us, so that we have that same level of access.
Hmm. What makes him qualified? The neon sign of his name written in cursive that hangs on his office wall? The fact that he bought two Lamborghinis with the money he made from selling other people this quote-unquote access?
“Most people have to rely on publicly available investment opportunities,” Austin adds. “And, you know, there’s nothing against them.”
“Actually, I do have something against them. Usually by the time these investments are shared publicly, they’ve already been taken advantage of by people in the private world. They’ve already invested in them and now they’re no longer working so well. So now they’re like sharing them with everybody, if that makes sense.”
“I wanna show you backstage what happens in the investment world,” he says.

Get early access to explosive investments. Austin and his team will do all the research, vet each opportunity, establish relationships with the key players, and bring ’em right to ya like breakfast in bed.
Maximize profits, minimize risk, save time, energy, and stress.
That’s why Cashflowpreneurs was created.
How much money’s it gonna take though? Right?
Not as much as you might think, Austin says. If you’ve got $20-, $30k saved up, that’s plenty; that’s all you need to turn it into $10k a month in additional cash flow.
“And the thing is,” Austin pitches, “I’m so confident that you’re gonna make 6-figures in passive income with this program? That I even guarantee that you’ll do so within 12-months. If for some reason after an entire year you’re still not at the 6-figure-in-passive-income mark? I will work with you one-on-one to make sure that you do.”
Gee, what a guy. Maybe he’ll even give you a ride in the shiny new Lambo he goes and leases right after you sign up.
So yeah. Stop holding onto your cash. Give it to Austin. And then give even more to his buddies and their ground-floor investment opportunities.
I bet Austin gets a kickback when you do. Then they can all go and run around and live like kings for the next year while you work a full-time job and start three side hustles to fund all of this.
And maybe you get lucky and Austin does deliver on his promise, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.
Look on the bright side though: after a year, he’s not gonna leave you hanging – he’ll keep giving you advice that doesn’t work.