Zarar Ameen and Christian Alatorre are the creators of Launch My Agency, where they do just that: launch and scale a digital marketing agency, on your behalf, so you don’t have to lift a fat finger.
Zarar claims they’ve stumbled across a process that allows ’em to get 30-40 quality clients, every month, within their own agency. And they’re confident it’ll work for you too.
Which is why they’re willing to guarantee your success in writing.
“You will be on track to make $100,000 or more for the year, at a minimum, in the next 90 days or less,” Zarar explains, “or we’ll work with you one-on-one, for free, until you get there.”
“We started our digital marketing agency, CANZ Marketing, six years ago,” he continues.
“And in the past few years, we have grown it from zero to over 40 full-time employees. Our agency has worked with some of the largest companies on the planet.”
“More importantly, it has given us the freedom to travel the world and experience the finer things in life.”
“Now we’re using the revenue from our agency to launch other successful businesses,” he adds. “Those businesses have been collectively valued at over $10 million dollars.”
“On top of that, clients of ours who have implemented our system in their business have combined to make more than $23 million dollars themselves, altogether. We’ve helped DNA-driven entrepreneurs like you generate more than 10,000 high-paying clients from their digital marketing agencies.”
“So here’s the deal.”
“Our process works. And it works fast.”
“It doesn’t require you to grind.”
“Instead, we launch and scale you a wildly profitable digital marketing agency from scratch. We’ll generate qualified leads, take all your sales calls to close your deals, and even fulfill for your clients. All this completely done for you.”
“We have a proven system for doing this that’s different from anything you’ve ever seen before. And that’s why we’re willing to offer you this insane guarantee.”
“We’ve already done this for hundreds of others. Will you be next?”

Why do I feel like Zarar here is just making numbers up?
And I really hope he explains why they’d offer this in the first place. I mean, think about it. If they’re gonna get the leads and close ’em and fulfill, the hell do they need you for?
Unfortunately, after going through the entire pitch page, he never says. Just that you should join their free Facebook Group to learn more.
They also don’t say what it costs. Just FYI, similar offers we’ve reviewed have started out at about $10k and gone up from there.
I also feel like, when you read between the lines, it’s positioned as completely done for you, but in reality, it’s just a bunch of swipe files and scripts and templates and funnels you can clone.
Which, don’t get me wrong, there’s a ton of value there – if those assets are truly producing the kind of real world results Zarar and Alatorre say they are.
But I guess, when I think of done for you, I think of a team of experts building me a custom brand and website and coming up with unique Facebook ads, and then setting it all up for me, right?
But like, if I’m doing the tech stuff and then just copying and pasting the same marketing as everyone else who joins? That’s not nearly as appealing.
Still potentially valuable.
But now I’m like, “Okay, it’s still gonna eat up some of my time, and now it’s gonna be harder to stand out ’cause I’m just gonna be one of many using these swipes and templates and scripts.”
So that’s where I’m at with this.
I don’t hate it, but I certainly don’t love it, either.
That said, you got nothing to lose by checking out their free Launch My Agency Facebook Group.