High Impact Coaching Reviews


Picture a triangle of online coaches. Zander Fryer is at the top of that triangle. He coaches coaches (who coach coaches).

I’m not saying it’s a pyramid scheme but I’m not not saying it’s a pyramid scheme.

Since quitting his day job as an engineer a little over four years ago, Zander’s been coaching his way straight to the bank. His High Impact Coaching (HIC) brand apparently does $4 million a year.

How much does he charge? Are any of his students getting results? What else should you know? Read on.

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“The only way to have a life worth living is to not be at the whim of an employer,” Zander says. “To make sure that you have the skills and the talents necessary to dictate your own future. And also to do something with purpose and with meaning.”

“Because the truth is, if we’re gonna work 40, 50, 60 hours a week, we’re spending a highly significant part of our lifetime on our career, on our workplace. If we’re not doing something that matters, we’re wasting the one resource we can never get back: our time,” he adds.

Wow, it’s a good thing Zander’s here to point out the blatantly obvious for us mere mortals.

“So you have to find your passion, you have to find a purpose, a mission,” he continues.

“And you have to figure out how to make a career out of it. We all have to make money, right? To pay bills, to do the things we wanna do, to have the life we wanna have.”

“And how do you get money? By providing value. So how can you find your passion and turn that into a profitable business? It’s pretty straightforward but a lot of people get it wrong.”

Everyone assumes it’s a piece of cake: just figure out what you love and do more of it.

But life isn’t that simple.

Zander has a better idea: whip up a three-ring Venn diagram. The sweet spot, where all three rings intersect, is your target.

Jot down your passions in Circle 1, your strengths and triumphs in Circle 2, and what the world will actually shell out cash for in Circle 3 (spoiler: it’s you solving their problems).

So, what’s your bullseye?

That’s the coaching program you need to create, according to Zander.

HIC Launch
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The classic mistake most folks make is chasing the money with blinders on.

Oh, engineering pays well? Off they go to college, drowning in debt for a degree, only to emerge hoping a company will rescue them from the financial abyss.

Fast forward three years: they’re burnt out, joyless, and only doing the bare minimum to avoid getting the boot.

Their passion? Nowhere in sight.

“I know so many doctors who hate what they do,” Zander says. “But because they spent all those years in med school and residency, not to mention they’re half a million in debt?”

“They can’t turn around at that point,” he continues. “But this is why practitioner burnout is such a big thing. Same thing for nurses, lawyers, engineers. They’re just doing it for a paycheck and life just passes them by.”

“But then the ones who do try to get out jump straight to the other end of the spectrum. They launch a business based around their passion without regard for what people will actually pay for.”

“Okay, well, what ends up happening there, is you end up broke. Which is also not so great.”

“Right? I see it all the time in the coaching space,” he says.

Alright, so the intersection of passion, pay, and skills. Mind-blowing, really. Good thing I was seated.

Zander’s High Impact Coaching offers two tantalizing options.

The Launch program promises to help you position your offer for premium prices, draw in steady leads, and skyrocket to six figures in under 90 days.

The Accelerator program takes it further with extra support and strategies to scale your business to seriously impressive monthly revenues.

But surprise, surprise, Zander’s silent on pricing for both.

Doesn’t matter. I’ll pass on this like a hot potato.

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