30 Day Course Creator Review

Online Entrepreneurs

Paul Xavier is the guy behind ContentCreator.com, where he sells a handful of courses. Today we’re gonna review his 30 Day Course Creator program.

It’s taught by him and legendary filmmaker Anthony Gallo.

They claim they can launch, market and scale 6- and 7-figure courses in just 30 days. In fact, they’ve done it five times now.

But will their system work for you? What’s it cost? And what aren’t they telling you?

Read on for my 30 Day Course Creator review.

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First things first.

How qualified do you need to be to sell your own course?

Not very. Just find a group of people who wanna learn something, go learn it yourself or partner with someone who already knows it, and create a course to show other people how to learn it faster and easier.

And you don’t need to promise crazy results. You could simply take beginners in your subject area from zero to proficient, right?

As a bonus, by studying, practicing and teaching a skill, you grow by leaps and bounds yourself.

Yeah but, won’t it take forever to build this amazing course – and then what if it doesn’t sell?

Contrary to popular belief, you can start selling your course before you even make the first module.

How? Incentivize people to preorder. Give them a huge discount.

If they take you up on it, not only does this validate your idea and light a fire under your butt to get it made, but those folks can give you feedback along the way to ensure you’re creating the best course possible.

Who’s losing in that scenario? No one.

Say you’re making the course yourself and not partnering with another expert. Do you have to be this high-energy extrovert for people to wanna learn from you?

No. You can be shy and soft-spoken, as long as you communicate clearly and add value.

What about money? Won’t you need a lot of it to run Facebook and YouTube ads?

It wouldn’t hurt, but not necessarily. There’s tons of ways to get free traffic. Social media, blogging, SEO, recruiting affiliates, doing a JV with another influencer, and so on.

Anthony Gallo Takes Picture
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How ’bout competition? Isn’t the course selling space saturated by now?

“No,” Paul says. “Completely false. This is a limiting belief that I’ve seen people in just about every industry tell themselves as a reason not to follow their dream.”

“But when you follow the right blueprint, that is proven, you will be doing it better than 95% of the competition,” he continues.

“Meaning, you can succeed in even the most competitive of markets. Truth is, with more than seven billion people in the world, there’s more than enough opportunity to go around.”

Okay, maybe at this point, you understand the process. You believe it can work. But still, for whatever reason, maybe you think it won’t work for you specifically.

“I understand where you’re coming from,” Anthony says. “But if there’s just one thing you can take away from this, I want it to be the simple fact that you can do this.”

“Take it from me,” he adds. “I was a freelance filmmaker. I didn’t know the first thing about selling a course. Then I teamed up with Paul, we launched 14 Day Filmmaker, and did $35,000 in month one.”

“There’s nothing stopping you from achieving all of this and more,” Anthony promises.

“If anything, the odds are even more in your favor because you have this course to go through – that at the time, I didn’t have.”

“So you can continue with the status quo, go back to the norm; or even try to build your course yourself.”

“Or you can supercharge your course creation process by enrolling in 30 Day Course Creator,” he ends with.

Cost is $698 or two payments of $375.

Verdict? Super legit.

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