Lara Rahib aka The Ecom Wolf is in the business of selling stuff online. She teaches people to start with dropshipping because it’s the least risky. It allows you to validate products you never have to see or touch or ship out yourself.
“Somebody goes to your store and orders a product for $30,” Lara explains. “You then go to the supplier and pay them $5 to ship it out straight to the consumer, and then you’re left with a $25 profit.”
Read every word of this review to see if Lara’s legit.
“We do not want to buy thousands of dollars of inventory and get stuck holding it,” Lara continues.
“That’s how dropshipping works. Right? So we don’t have to deal with inventory.”
“Once we have products that are doing 15-20 orders a day, then we can move into private labeling; buying n bulk. What that’s gonna do is it’s gonna provide you a bigger asset, right?”
“Eventually if you want an exit strategy, like you wanna sell your store for millions of dollars, it’s gonna be worth way more if you have a brand.”
“So the way we do it is we move into buying in bulk. That also increases our margins. So say we were buying a dropshipping product that’s costing us $5, by buying in bulk most likely it’ll cost $2.”
“So we’re increasing our profit margin, we’re also building a brand at the same time. It’s a win-win situation, right?”
“We don’t wanna get stuck in a dropshipping phase; we wanna move into brand building.”
“Another thing that we do is drive traffic to your store with paid ads through Facebook, Pinterest and Google.”
“We don’t just use one method, right? You’ll hear a lot of people just stuck with Facebook, Instagram – you have to diversify your business so you can scale big, right?”
“So you can start wherever, and once you have a winning product on one platform, you can move it to the other platforms, so there’s a lot of things you could do; you don’t wanna put all your eggs in just one basket.”
“It’s just super important to diversify and learn how to drive paid traffic on all these different platforms. But that’s the gist of it,” Lara says.

Lara pulls back the curtain on one of her own Shopify stores, showing what’s possible.
Last year it did $712,000 in sales. Profit margin was around 30%. That’s over $200 Gs in take-home.
Another one of her Shopify stores, which she only uses Pinterest to drive traffic to, did half a million in sales last year. Profit margin was 23%, so that’s another $115k in her bank account.
“I want you to see what’s possible in the online world,” Lara says. “Whether you’re using Pinterest, Google, Facebook, you have plenty of options.”
“There’s plenty of places to scale your online business. If you wanna use all the platforms, you can use all the platforms and scale to the moon.”
“You can do whatever you want once you have all the knowledge and skillset and strategies. Once you have something that’s working, you keep scaling those products and you turn the internet into a money printing machine.”
“And this is what we’re teaching students how to do in our Ecom Wolfpack course. I share lots of testimonials on my Instagram, so check that out.”
“If this is something that you truly truly want to do, and you want my help to get you from zero to 6-figures, or 6- to 7-figures, and you want my help to really build and grow your online business, please, fill out an app to work with me at TheEcomWolf.com and I’ll see you on the inside,” Lara says.
Gotta say, girl seems legit and I love her story: from food stamps and crippling anxiety to G-Wagon-driving ecommerce expert; providing hope and inspiration for the rest of us.