Are you a web designer who wants to charge more for your websites and get clients consistently? Meet Alejandro Rodriguez – the brain to your brawn.
From struggling to offload $3,000 websites, he’s now drawing top-tier clientele who happily pay $10,000 for web design and dish out hundreds monthly to “keep it running.”
Will his system work for you? What if you’re just okay at designing websites? Better question: Isn’t this industry gasping its last breath?
Grab your popcorn and join me for my tell-all 30 Day Web Consultant review.
Wave ta-ta to penniless prospects, late payments, nightmarish projects, endless revisions, and soul-sapping work.
Instead, set your sights on business owners (across all industries) raking in a minimum of $10,000 per month – not a cent less.
Ideally, they’re stuck in the past with a cumbersome, user-unfriendly website, and they’re pushing potential customers to contact forms as enticing as a dental checkup. What you want to offer them is not just a spruced-up website but a surefire strategy to transform mere visitors into loyal, paying customers.
That’s all Alejandro’s doing to collect $10k upfront from his clients.
And believe him when he says there’s nothing quite like the thrill of working with people who, upon receiving an invoice, promptly shoot back a “paid” text. You hit refresh on your Stripe account or whatever, and – whoomp, there it is!
“I’ve been able to do this for over a decade,” Alejandro says. “I’ve generated a high six-figure income because of it. And, good for me, but what’s in it for you, right? Well, just so you know, I’ve helped many others do this as well.”
“Even if you have zero experience,” he continues, “I have students closing $5,000 deals, $3,000 deals. But that’s people with no experience utilizing my methods.”
“It’s actually more simple than you think.”
“Now what do these websites look like? If you wanna see, you can just check out mine at 30DayWebConsultant.com. I practice what I preach. Clean, clear call-to-action that takes ’em to the first step of their sales process – boom.”
“I just do that over and over again. Same format no matter what the business is,” he says.

Keep in mind, you’re not only pocketing a hefty upfront payment, but you’re also scoring a monthly retainer for maintenance.
It all boils down to mindset, which is why Alejandro’s program kicks off with a focus on mental fortitude. He helps you clear out pesky thoughts that hold you back, many of which lurk in your subconscious.
Next, he gets you organized, prepping you to reel in those $10,000 clients.
After that, you’ll establish a six-figure pipeline and a screening process to ward off window shoppers, letting only the ready-to-buy folks through; followed by a module dedicated to closing deals with ease.
“And then after that,” Alejandro adds, “I show you how to do the onboarding, the fulfillment, the delivery.”
“But I don’t just stop there; I also show you how to manage your finances and your cash flow. Great, let’s say you start making $10-, $20,000 a month. If you don’t know how to manage that cash flow – if you’re making $240,000 a year but spending $300,000? That’s not good. So it’s not just about how much money you make, it’s about how much you spend as well.”
“Lastly, I show you how to build processes and build a team. That way, your business is consistent even if you aren’t,” he says.
And there you have it, the gist of Alejandro’s program.
Having been at it for a hot minute, he believes his approach is tried and true.
His protégés have given it a whirl too, and he’s convinced it’s your golden ticket as well.
But he dodges the 800-pound gorilla in the room: the rise of drag-and-drop website builders and AI encroaching on web design territory.
Is this really the venture you wanna dive into right now? Food for thought.
Oh, and the radio silence on 30DWC cost? Kinda gets my goat.