Jacqueline Vagar, who looks like a slightly more exotic Fiona Gallagher (please tell me you’ve seen all 173 seasons of Shameless), runs Amazon FBA Growth University alongside her bae, Sal Habibi.
They can teach you how to make job-replacing income online by selling simple, everyday products on Amazon.
And since you’ll be using Fulfillment By Amazon, or FBA for short, they’ll do all the heavy lifting.
Question is: Are Jacque and Sal even legit? Read on for my review.
Jacque talks about how your money’s made by picking the perfect products to promote. Get it wrong, and you won’t stand a chance. Get it right, and the sky’s the limit.
But it’s easier said than done, isn’t it?
So what if you had Jacque and Sal and their expert team hand-select each and every product that goes in your store?
And then help you find manufacturers to produce those products in bulk, at an affordable price, without skimping on quality?
And then create listings for each product that convert like crazy?
Because that’s the premise of their FBA Growth Uni program.
It’s funny though.
This presentation seems like a carbon copy of the one Kevin David used back in the day, before the FTC shut him down and sued him for like $53 million for basically scamming people out of their hard-earned money.
That, plus Sal and Jacqueline living such a lavish lifestyle, makes me wary. You ever just scroll through someone’s Instagram and think, “Yeeeah, there’s no way this person sits behind their computer all day”?
That’s the vibe I get from both these guys.
Me, I don’t have time to travel and shop and go out for expensive dinners and lounge by the pool and always be dressed to the nines.
I get up, make a strong coffee, go straight to my home office, crack open the laptop, work as many hours as I can, pass out, repeat.
Usually seven days a week.
In my experience, building a successful online business is the exact opposite of what they’re portraying.
Even if you build a team, you have to constantly look over their work.

Nonetheless, Jacque’s cookie-cutter pitch continues.
Amazon’s big and getting bigger. Everybody’s got Prime. When’s the last time you ordered something on Amazon? Exactly. The opportunity’s just stupid.
And, you may not know it, but six out of every ten sales that happen on Amazon.com? Well, someone like you and me’s getting paid on ’em.
And since Sal and Jacqueline have been “featured” on the New York Post, Markets Insider, and Yahoo, you should pick them, over all the other FBA coaches, to mentor you.
Too bad those articles were paid for. (And the red flags just keep stacking.)
Jacque shows a product she allegedly sells. This dry erase calendar thingy. She gets it on Alibaba for about $0.40 per unit and sells it on Amazon for $19.99.
This is a page outta Kevin David’s playbook.
There’s literally no way of verifying it’s actually her selling that product. She could’ve just picked one, at random, that’s got a ton of positive reviews, to make you think she’s walking the walk.
No way I’m taking her word for it. Show me receipts.
The rest of their pitch is more of the same.
They handle your objections, make you think anyone can do this, even you, as long as you have the right partner. Tell you they’re looking for more of their dream students. Then do the takeaway. They won’t work with just anyone. Gotta be willing to invest in yourself and your business.
Spots are limited. Blah blah blah. Butter hurry.
FBA Growth University costs $3,997.
It’ll go towards Sal’s next Lambo payment. Which they’ll be driving to the desert in Dubai to ride camels while you’re in their Facebook Group asking their $12-an-hour support person for help.