Tobias Dahlberg can help you build a simple company with significantly higher profitability, scalability, and freedom.
“Here at The Future Academy, I teach something that’s based on simplicity that would allow you to build a sustainable, predictable business,” he says.
“And I think that’s what you want, right? If you’re like nine out of 10 of my clients, you are currently suffering because of two things. You have too little money and you have too little time.”
Review continues below.
“And so that comes from having too much complexity,” Tobias continues. “So complexity really is the enemy.”
“But having lack of time, having lack of money usually leads to short-sightedness.”
“And when you operate from a place of having to bring in cash, not having enough money to hire people, always working more and more and more because you are sort of in a survival mode? Now that’s not a good place to run a business from,” Tobias explains.
“So I know all about this because this is really how I built my business.”
Back in the day, Tobias had a seven figure brand consultancy with 20 employees.
He got to work with many of the top brands in the Nordic region.
Everything looked great from the outside, but it was a hot mess on the inside of the business.
In fact, it felt more like a circus than a legit company.
The reason for that was that Tobias had not designed his business to work the way he wanted it to. So he was constantly stressed and the whole operation was basically on life support 24/7.
Complexity snuck up on him, because he was always doing a little more and a little more, not noticing the chaos until it was too late.
Like high blood pressure, complexity is a silent killer in business.
So whaddya do? The opposite.
Build what Tobias calls a Simple Company.
The greatest companies of today are simple in nature.
Apple’s a great example. They offer a handful of exceptional products. They don’t try to overdo it, do they?

So perceived value goes up, and they’re able to drive not only more sales but more profitable sales.
And, because they’ve simplified on the front end so much, efficiency goes up and costs go down on the back end.
It really is a magical thing.
Question is, how can you do the same in your business?
In short, you have to figure out how to do more with less. You have to identify the critical few tasks that produce exponential returns.
Which activities will cause more customers to buy from you, more often, at higher prices?
You should focus only on your very best customers and forget everyone else.
The value of your business is directly linked to the quality of relationships you have with your best customers.
To start, just solve one specific problem for one type of customer.
You should have one offer, one process, one funnel, one outcome.
Standardize what you do.
Then you can automate parts of it, gain more leverage, and pocket more money.
Sure, there are a lot of nuances to work out still. Branding, nurturing, closing, delivering, and all that jazz.
But that’s what The Future Academy coaching program is for.
No mention of cost, but if you’d like to dig deeper and possibly get help building a simple, differentiating, strategic foundation for your business, grow the profitable part of your business, or build systems that allow for scale and freedom?
Tobias asks you to book a call with someone on his team.