Matt Theriault is the CEO of Epic Real Estate. He believes your American Dream is in danger. There’s so much going on in the world. All the chaos we see on the news and in the headlines.
Everything’s more expensive to buy and yet the stock market’s circling the drain. Same with crypto, same with gold.
We’re in this recession that’s gonna last who knows how long.
So what’s the play? For starters, don’t take advice from people who’re three clicks left of clueless.
Find someone who knows what they’re doing – like Matt does in real estate – and just copy what works.
Matt’s gonna make it easy on ya. He’s hosting a two-day live virtual event coming up shortly. It’s “free.”
He’ll be going over his Million Dollar Plan, as well as giving you access to his Epic Deal Analyzer.
When the two days are up, you’ll know how to leverage this economic meltdown to create long-term wealth for you and your family.
Matt swears, it’ll be stuff you’ve never heard of before.
It’s not some stupid rah-rah event where you’ll be asked to do jumping jacks and shout affirmations to get into “peak state” before Matt starts talking.
And he won’t bring on his real estate guru buddies so they can all pitch you their products after they’re done telling you how “90% of all millionaires did it through real estate investing” and “your network is your net worth,” but “you can’t do it alone, you need a mentor.”
So, sorry, that douche Cody Sperber won’t be there. Neither will Ryan Pineda and his green hair.
“We’re not playin’ around here,” Matt says, “so strap in!”
“Did you know you can buy a house with an IOU? How would you like to buy an income property with a negative interest rate? That’s right. They will pay you to borrow money.”
“This stuff is not that complicated. You don’t need a real estate license. You might have one. That’s okay. But that’s the wrong side of the desk. To build wealth in real estate, you need to understand how money really works. It’s all about Top Gun positioning.”

With the economy messier than some dude’s dorm room and inflation higher than Willie Nelson in a green room, you need to think differently about your approach here.
For instance, Matt showed his 11-year-old son how to search for vacant land for sale online. When he finds a decent plot, Matt writes the check. Then they flip it for a profit. Which he lets his son keep. Kid’s gonna do a quarter-million this year.
And you’re doing what, again, with your sad, sweaty life? I can almost hear Matt saying.
Living off passive income is absolutely attainable, as long as you’ve got the plan, the tools, and you use Top Gun positioning, Matt assures us.
But maybe you’re thinking you don’t wanna be a landlord. That’s a shame. ‘Cause you’re either gonna pay money as a tenant or receive money as a landlord, and the latter makes life a heckuva lot easier.
And yes, you can make money when the market goes down. Matt doesn’t wanna hear your excuse about how now’s not the right time. Far as he’s concerned, it’s always the right time to get started with real estate.
Gotta be honest, I don’t care for Matt’s condescending tone (he knows it all, and we, the idiots, need his guidance) or his doom and gloom outlook (you’re gonna crash and burn without Matt).
It’s funny, on his Epic Real Estate About page, he talks about how he “walked away from the guru biz.”
But this pitch for his Epic Freedom Experience was literally the most guru thing I’ve seen in a while. Red headlines and flashing crap all over the page and made up value and exclusive bonuses, but only if you sign up now? Yeah, I’ll pass.