Bradley J Sugars is involved with that ActionCOACH company, which is way too MLM-y for me.
Once he built momentum with that, he started hitting the speaking scene, wrote a book, launched a podcast, and created all kinds of programs you can buy to revolutionize your life.
Today, we’re gonna be taking a look at his so-called 30X Life Challenge.
I’m expecting to sigh and roll my eyes a lot, but I’ll try to keep an open mind as I review it for you below.
“You know, creating success in your life isn’t about chance,” Brad says, sounding like Crocodile Dundee.
“It’s about learning what it takes to create a great life. They say that life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mom; and my mom didn’t have all the secrets for me,” he continues.
“You see, creating success in your life is about learning the principles of success. Like, how do you have happiness? Well you study the principles of happiness, and it’s not actually that hard. But most people won’t do it.”
We’re not off to a good start. This is every bit as bad as I thought it’d be.
These life coaches talk and talk and talk and talk and never actually say anything.
You’ve only got 4,000 weeks on this earth. Make the most of ’em, Brad blathers.
He apparently put together a 30X Life Program to help you out. There’s a lot of 30s involved: you and him (and whoever else joins) working together 30 minutes a day for 30 days, where Brad’s teaching you all he’s learned throughout his 30 years of success as a… umm… seller of platitudes?
“These are tried and true principles of how success happens in your life, in your business, in your wealth, in all aspects of life,” Brad adds, drizzling olive oil on his word salad.
He’s gonna show you how to think big, how to “be all that you can be so that you can do all that you wanna do and have all that you wanna have.”
Ay yi yi.
Then there was something about a success formula, about building your identity, developing a plan, stepping into your point of power, and other things that mean literally nothing.

But wait, there’s more! You’re gonna learn how to:
- Get outta your comfort zone
- Communicate more effectively
- Graduate from generalist to specialist
- Earn more money
- Develop confidence and self-esteem and self-discipline
- Be more present
- Problem solve better
- Leverage the law of attraction
Plus there’s days devoted to friendships, relationships, parenting, health and fitness, meditation, depression, leadership, charisma, even freakin’ philanthropy.
I mean, wow, is there anything Bradley J Sugars doesn’t know?
How delusional do you have to be to think you’re qualified to help everyone sort out everything in their entire life? I guess that’s why they’re called life coaches, eh?
Maybe I’m the dummy. Maybe instead of learning tangible skills and then using them to create measurable valuable for others, in exchange for money, I should be rounding up self-help quotes, putting ’em behind a paywall, and charging $99 for it like our boy Bradley’s doing here.
And don’t worry, once you’re in, there’ll be plenty of opportunities to spend even more money on more nothingness.
What I wanna know is, after you go through this, if your life’s not perfectly perfect, do you get a refund? Doubt it.
You’ll be told you just haven’t done the work. Or maybe you need to pay a coupla grand to attend Brad’s next live event, where the real secrets will be revealed.
I bet he’s counting on it. That Lamborghini Urus of his is a real gas guzzler, and takes premium at the pump.