Ryan Stewart says if you’re offering SEO services to clients, ya got it all wrong. Like if you’re going for 6- or 12-month contracts, good luck. They’re tough to sell, even harder to keep the payments coming through every month, and you’re constantly having to do more and more work to appease the client.
You’re creating spreadsheets and answering phone calls and emails from them, and helping them out with this and that, and none of it’s even driving results.
But to keep all this going, now ya gotta hire more people. And people suck. They’re expensive, they’re unpredictable, and the good ones usually just end up quitting, starting their own thing, and competing against you anyway.
Then there’s software and tools and outsourcing, plus or minus an office space.
It’s funny, you started an SEO agency because of the high margins. But it sneaks up on ya. Next thing ya know, the stoner who’s dropshipping doodads from China’s more profitable than you.
“Now this dream of running your own business and having financial freedom is dead,” Ryan says.
“Most agency owners don’t make sh*t. They’re actually making less than they were making at the previous job that they worked and they’re bearing all the stress of the business. It sucks. Who wants to do that?” he continues.
“I’ll be honest. I’m unapologetic about it. I’m here to make money. I am here to make money. That’s why I run a business. That’s what I care about – in addition to my clients, my people, my culture, my company.”
“Of course I wanna create value in the market, but I wanna be compensated for it, because it’s a helluva lot of work. And it’s taken a toll on my personal life and I wanna get compensated for it,” Ryan rants.
“And for whatever reason, this industry’s gotten away from that. We have to apologize about money. We have to apologize about profits. But profit’s not a dirty word. The point of a business is to make profit.”
“And you, as the owner, taking all the risk, putting your neck on the line, you deserve to get paid.”
Testify, my man!

We’re picking up what you’re putting down, Ryan. So what’s the solution? How’d you scale Webris to 7-figures in under a year? Please, enlighten us.
“It’s called the SEO Sprint Methodology,” he says, “and we’re running it right now to do over $200,000 per month with over 75% gross margins on that service.”
“We’re absolutely crushing it. My beautiful wife was able to quit her job and take some of the money we’re making and launch her own short-term rental business on Airbnb. And now we have another business funded by SEO Sprints.”
More specifically, Ryan now sells a productized service.
It’s still done-for-you, but way more streamlined. It gets you outta fulfillment once and for all.
Not only that, but costs, redundancies and headaches are almost wiped clean.
So what’s it look like when Ryan gets a new client?
- They do a Roadmap Sprint: a quick website audit, keyword research, and then a plan is formed.
- Then there’s a Content Sprint: old content gets optimized and new content gets created.
- And finally, a Link Sprint: which, they just outsource it to another provider who specializes in links.
How much more can you make using Ryan’s Sprint approach?
Well, with the old retainer model, you’re hoping to get $1k a month for 12-months, or something similar, right? But with this, Ryan’s charging like $18k and he gets almost all of that upfront.
And then there’s add-on services he can upsell clients after that.
Want him to teach you this and help you transition to an SEO Sprint agency?
That’s what The Blueprint Training is for.
Cost is apparently $3,000.
Book a call to apply. Or compare it to what we do by clicking below.