Are you anything like Abbie Emmons? Do you have tons of notes about your story? Outlines, plots, scene cards, character profiles, research notes, pieces of dialogue – and the list goes on, right?
How do you put it all together in one place? And organize it in a coherent way? So you always have exactly what you need at your fingertips?
Abbie’s got one word for ya: Scrivener.
It’ll make Microsoft Word feel like a tiny, cluttered desk in comparison.
Artistic, scatterbrained authors – like you and Abbie – deserve better. You need organization and aesthetic.
“You can put an infinite amount of stuff into your Scrivener project,” Abbie explains, “and organize it to perfection. And you can also customize it with different themes and appearances to set the mood for your writing project.”
It backs up your files automatically, so you never have to worry about losing your writing. You can set daily word count goals to stay on track. There’s this Snapshots feature which allows you to save the project as is before deleting a scene or redoing some dialogue or anything else you may change your mind about, right? This way, you can always restore previous versions of your work.
And those are only some of Abbie’s favorite things about Scrivener. It does so much more.
Which is why she made an entire Masterclass on why you should use it and how to get the most out of it.
Because she knows what you’re thinking: sounds awesome, but also complicated. Customizing themes and setting word count goals and filing away Snapshots only to try and figure out how to retrieve them when you inevitably write something that’s worse than what you originally had, right?
Like, who’s got time for all that? You’re a writer not a programmer, dammit.
Okay, pour yourself a tall glass of Sauvignon Blanc, take a swig, and relax. Abbie is here for you.
“I will show you how to set up your Scrivener for novel writing success,” she says.
And sure, there’s other Scrivener tutorials out there. Hell, even Scrivener furnishes you with one upon signing up.

But Scrivener’s own training, for example, will take you an entire day to get through. It’s overkill. You don’t need to know all that.
“If you’re new to Scrivener,” Abbie would argue, “all you need to know are some very basic things. Plus, some really awesome tools that not a lot of writers utilize. Basically, the important stuff. The stuff that I use all the time to write stories that matter.”
So if you’d like to skip right past the nonessential stuff and become a Scrivener pro quicker than a hiccup, Abbie’s course has your name on it.
And don’t worry, Scrivener is just as easy, if not easier, to navigate than Microsoft Word.
“The Scrivener Masterclass is short, to the point, and easy to follow,” Abbie promises.
It’s broken into five parts:
- The Basics: starting up Scrivener for the first time, plus a quick orientation tour.
- Setting Up Your Story Project: Abbie shows you how to build out your folders from scratch or load in her Scrivener template.
- Customizing Your Writing Space: how to change themes and keep notes for easy access later on.
- Backups and Exports: how to auto save your work and get it out of Scrivener so you can sleep at night.
- My Favorite Features: more awesome secret weapons to make your writing process faster, smoother, and more fun.
As a bonus, you’ll get her pack of seven gorgeous Scrivener themes, all inspired by different genres.
Abbie teaches the class on a Mac, so it might look a little different if you’re on Windows, but you should still be able to follow along.
Cost is just $47. Includes lifetime access and all future updates.