Saimah Chaudhry, who runs a YouTube channel and Instagram page called Saimah’s Experience, is a Turo Power Host, with nearly 3,000 trips so far.
She brings in more than 6-figures a year on the platform.
Power Host Club is her website.
There, you can join her Turo Host Community for $3 a week; enroll in her Power Host Course for $396 (or four monthly payments of $99); or you can add a 1-hour Zoom consultation to the Course for $795.
Worth buying? Read on for my review.
The people that succeed on Turo get three things right, Saimah explains.
First and foremost, they monitor and adjust their listings on a weekly (if not daily) basis.
Why? Because it’s seasonal, things are always changing, and you want your listings to reflect what’s going on in the broader market.
Pricing’s a biggie. When demand is high, you’ll wanna charge more, and vice versa.
Turo does have an automatic pricing feature, but you’re better off doing it manually.
Spy on competitors and price accordingly.
The second thing Turo Super Hosts do is they zero in on the needs of their customers.
Why do they want to rent this car? What are they doing? Where are they going? What types of activities will they be enjoying?
The better you understand them, the more you can tailor your listings to them, right?
Plus you can offer more convenience.
If everyone else in your area’s only dropping their cars off at the main airport, why not offer pickups at the smaller airports nearby as well?
You can charge extra for that, too.
Third and final, Turo top earners treat it like a business, not a hobby or a side hustle.
- They’re creating an actual LLC, for example.
- Setting up a business bank account.
- Acting like a professional.
- Every car in their fleet is well-maintained and spotless and has a full tank of gas (or a full charge, for all you Tesla fangirls).
- Always trying to maximize bookings and customer satisfaction.
And guess what? More positive reviews means you can start to charge more than other hosts near you, and fatten up those margins.

“Whereas, oftentimes what I see people do,” Saimah says, “is they go and they get fun and cool cars that they’re definitely into themselves personally, and they end up marking their calendars as unavailable because they wanna use their cars and they wanna enjoy them.”
“Now there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re hitting your revenue goals,” she continues.
“But you never wanna take away from the core goal of the business, which is, at the end of the day, to make money. That is what we are here for.”
Okay, so, hit your goals first, then enjoy the fruits of your labor. Got it.
What else?
You wanna make sure your business is dialed in, that you’ve set up a proper business entity, that you have business bank accounts that your income and expenses flow through, Saimah says.
Because, when it comes to tax time, you really wanna take advantage of these expenses that you have as deductions. As they say, the biggest cost of doing business is taxes.
So these pesky little things matter.
Great advice, but you still have questions, don’t you?
- Like what types of cars will do best on Turo?
- And what type of protection plan should you pick?
- Do you need additional auto insurance above and beyond that?
- What happens when someone gets into an accident?
- How do you automate customer service and do contactless check-in and check-out?
And probably a million other things.
Well, you’re in luck. That’s what Saimah’s paid programs are for.
Or, you can always click below for a more laid-back business.