Rohan Sheth looks like the type of dude that’d take a picture of another dude, hand it to the barber and say, “This one please.”
Beyond that, he’s the CEO of GrowRev, an agency that manages paid ads for other businesses.
His latest offer is called 2 Hour Agency.
“Do you know why I’d rather sell a $500 service than a $5,000 service?” he asks over at 2HourAgency.com, a landing page that screams: You’re not leaving here till I take your money!
Before Rohan answers his own question, he launches into his backstory.
In 2012, he was working door-to-door sales, making decent money, when all of a sudden that company shut down.
Great, now what? He ends up spending his last $5,000 to attend this seminar out in LA – teaching digital marketing.
He soaks it all up, learns everything he can, heads back home to Vancouver, Canada, to start his own agency.
Just one problem: Rohan didn’t have a clue how to land new clients.
At the event, they had told him it’s better to have one client paying you $10,000 a month than 10 clients paying you $1,000 a month.
This really held him back. He was swinging for the fences, when really, he shoulda just been trying to get on base.
Eventually, he gets sick of striking out, goes back to the drawing board, comes up with a more irresistible offer, drops his rate to $500 per month – and whaddya know, starts signing up clients left and right.
Bingo bango. Everything changes for him, virtually overnight.
So Rohan shares his secrets with his biz besties – and it works for them as well.
Why not package it up, turn it into a system, and offer it to the masses? he decides.
Enter Two Hour Agency.
“I’m going to literally give you everything you need,” Rohan says. “The templates, the emails, the pages and ads that we use for our clients; as well as show you how to hire people who can do all the work for you.”
“So you can just focus on building out a 2 Hour Agency that systematically brings you new clients and makes money for them,” he adds.

Rohan continues his pitch, wearing glasses that make him look like he could easily work at a pawn shop in downtown Detroit.
“All ya gotta do is choose your niche; just sell what other people are already buying,” he says.
“Then come up with a ridiculous offer. Something so good, people are idiots if they don’t buy,” he explains.
“From there, you’ll earn your first few testimonials and get your first few deals.”
“Now it’s time to automate sales by creating packages right on your website people can buy with no phone call.”
“Finally, turn on the traffic and escape by hiring independent contractors to fulfill.”
Rohan covers each of those steps in detail in his new book, 2 Hour Agency.
It’s crammed with actionable insights:
- On page 33, Rohan reveals how to find profitable agency ideas.
- Page 34 lists 41 agency niches that are already proven.
- Page 76 tells you where potential clients are hanging out, and where you can go and find hundreds of people who’re buying these services.
- Page 22 shares the most common mistakes that agencies make.
Blah blah blah, normally charges $37 for it, but “today only” you can download the digital book and all sorts of exclusive bonuses for the crazy-low price of $2.97.
Everything’s delivered instantly.
You’re protected by a 365-day money-back guarantee. In case you need that three bucks back to buy half a coffee at Starbucks.
Rohan wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t have a gang of upsells waiting for you right after you submit payment.
I’d rather get caught in a bear trap than be subjected to that.