Jason Paul Rogers Reviews


Jason Paul Rogers can show you how to acquire seven figure cash flowing businesses with zero dollars out of pocket. No, really, the government will cover the tab. More on that in a sec.

Jason’s the majority owner of an eight figure portfolio of companies. Affordable housing, plumbing, HVAC – he’s got his hands in a little bit of everything.

Jason may be biased but he believes buying up other businesses is the ultimate way to build wealth.

Grab a helmet and a seat belt – this review could get bumpy.

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Jason uses that old guy from Omaha – who’s worth about $114 billion – as an example. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) was how he originally got rich. Then, yes, he bought and held stocks and turned it into a whole lot more.

If you study the names on those Forbes lists, you’ll see similar stories.

Jason’s point? Private equity’s a gravy train on biscuit wheels.

But what most people don’t realize is you can leverage government-backed finance to buy your first $5 million (or more) worth of businesses.

How, Sway?

Small Business Administration (aka SBA) loans.

“There are tons of SBA lenders just waiting to give you millions of dollars worth of capital,” Jason explains. “They have long amortization schedules and fairly low interest rates, relative to competitive options.”

“And you can use ’em to buy service businesses, ecom businesses, and basically every business you can think of.”

“The SBA is a great way to acquire these cash flowing businesses – to build your net worth and produce hundreds of thousands of dollars a year,” he says.

Okay, but how do you decide on a business to buy? And at what price? And how do you perform due diligence? What about terms? Legalities?

This is so overwhelming that I need a nap just thinking about it.

Jason agrees.

Business buying is nuanced, far from easy. That’s why you need someone who does this for a living to guide you through the entire process, step by step.

Which is why Jason created The Business Acquisition Mastermind.

Who’s a good fit, whaddya get, and what’s it gonna cost, right?

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It’s for high-performing employees who make six figures plus, or existing business owners who can show a profit on their most recent tax returns.

But no felonies in the last 10 years, your credit score needs to be above 650, and you’ll need at least $150k liquid.

Assuming you’re still here, here’s why you should be excited: boomers are the wealthiest generation in history and they’re at retirement age. They wanna sell their businesses, move to Florida and golf.

Meanwhile, millennials are too busy eating avocado toast and shining their participation trophies to pay attention.

“This is creating a vacuum in the economy,” Jason says. “And this is where you and I come into play, and create meaningful seven and eight figure net worths, through filling this void.”

“In the Mastermind, I’ll help you acquire multiple businesses in the same bulletproof industry; build a world-class deal team to help you professionally acquire companies, without paying a nickel in white collar fees; and then build an elite tier of SBA banking relationships so you can easily secure up to $5 million in financing for purchasing blue chip businesses in your chosen industry.”

“From there, I’ll help you find motivated sellers in your sector, so you can negotiate buyer-friendly business acquisitions and begin building wealth.”

“Then we’ll stabilize your acquisition so you can repeat the process and continue to expand your portfolio.”

“Plus, I’ll personally be on-call to help you every step of the way. Whether it be accountability, insight, or simply a second opinion, you’ll have my direct line on speed dial,” he pitches.

Cost for all that?

Jason doesn’t say – just that “you must be willing and able to invest in yourself.”

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