Shanda Sumpter doesn’t know what your definition of freedom is, but here’s what she can tell you.
“There’s over 76% of Americans right now that are stressed financially,” she says.
“And right now, psychologists are connecting that anxiety and depression and not being able to sleep is connected to financial pressure,” she continues.
“And guess what? All of that can be changed. We can change the rip current in your life.”
“I say this in a humble way because it’s not something I normally talk about.”
“I have 12-, 15-, sometimes 20,000 people a month, every month, joining my programs and my services and doing our courses online,” Shanda brags.
“I wanna show you how I do that. And the way that I could do that, we are going to play at the biggest level we’ve ever played at after 13 years, and we’re gonna give back to you in a huge way.”
“We’re gonna do a 21-day challenge. There was a time in our life where interest rates to buy a home were 14-16%. Now people are complaining about a small jump in the rates.”
Where is Shanda going with this?
“Here’s my point,” she says, apparently reading my mind.
“What if you could build your life and your business so that you didn’t have to worry about what’s happening in the world?” she asks.
“In fact, you could stand in the gap for people and help them get through these hard moments in life.”
“So, here’s how I’m doing this. It’s really easy to join this workshop.”
“It’s 21 days. I’m doing it as a challenge. There’s gonna be homework, there’s gonna be daily activity.”
“I’m gonna show ya how to do this step by step. Sign up for the Rising Tides Challenge.”
Why’s it called that?
Shanda’s filming from the beach. The camera pans over to catch the hypnotic waves rolling in as Shanda brings it home with the ultimate cliche:
“A rising tide lifts all the boats,” she says.
Meanwhile, I’m over here crawling into a cringe cave.

“You’re not gonna solve anything by looking at the problem,” Shanda says. “You’re gonna solve it by becoming a very strong leader with me over the next 21 days.”
“So I’ll show you how to break the poverty, show ya how to figure out the purpose, and I’ll show you over the consistency of 21 days how to change your life, both financially and the relationships that you’re connected to.”
And that’s Shanda’s entire pitch.
I feel like this chick just starts talking and doesn’t really have a plan for where she wants to go with it.
You would think, since this whole thing’s based on that old JFK quote, maybe she woulda done a better job explaining what it even means.
“A rising tide lifts all boats” basically means when the economy does well, we all benefit from it. I think she did a poor job of laying that out and relating it back to this challenge.
And these life coaches who try and bottle up and sell this vague idea of “having it all” are so full of it.
“Give me 21 minutes for 21 days and I’ll help you break the patterns that are holding you back in all areas of your life: in business, in sales, in your finances, in love, in friendship, with family, with your kids, and more!” reads Shanda’s sales page.
And that leaves me with one last question:
Does Shanda even believe the crap that comes outta her mouth?