Cole Gordon used a little 3″ x 5″ index card, his cell phone, and one timeless, high value, recession-proof skill to generate about $35,000 a month in commission checks.
One month he scaled all the way to $179,000.
Many of his mentees are making $20- to $50k a month, net, using what Cole taught ’em.
All without having to create a product or service of their own.
Oh but it gets better.
Read on for my Remote Closing Academy review.
Cole and his clients don’t need:
- A website
- A funnel
- Paid ads
- A big ole team
- A fancy schmancy office
- Or any of the headaches that come with running your own online business
That’s because this has nothing to do with Amazon FBA or Etsy or coaching or consulting or flipping homes or any of the opportunities you see coming through your newsfeed.
But what it does have to do with is taking that one skill Cole mentioned earlier and using it to cash in on a multi-billion dollar industry.
Which is precisely what Cole did.
“And in doing so,” he says, “I was able to make a huge amount of profit without having to do any of the up front legwork that comes from starting a traditional business.”
“So what is this mysterious skill, right?” he continues. “It’s called remote closing.”
Instead of doing all the things (marketing, content creation, tech, ads, fulfillment, support, etc.), Cole figured, why not go right to where the money’s changing hands?
Phone sales. Right? And just take a percentage of every deal.
Cole hit up three agency owners he knew and offered to do just that. They agreed.
In month one, he took 54 calls total. Enrolled 10.
Not even that good, huh? But he still made $6k in commissions.
“At the time I thought that was a lot, but if I made that now, I’d be in physical pain,” Cole jokes.
Things were finally looking up for him.
He was working less, pocketing more, and he didn’t have to do the other hundred things he had been doing previously.
So he went all-in as a remote closer.

What other companies could I do this for, to make even more money, he wondered.
That’s when he met a guy named Kent who was selling a LinkedIn lead gen coaching program for $10k.
Higher price point meant bigger commissions.
Plus Kent had more leads and lots of social proof; people showed up to the calls ready to buy.
Cole began taking about 60 calls a month for Kent. He was closing 12-15 of them, on average.
Still not great. But Cole’s income jumped to $20k a month.
As a remote closer, you have no overhead. So all of that is pure profit.
To net $20k a month owning your own business, you’d need to gross about five times that just to cover all your expenses.
Cole continued looking for better and better opportunities.
Eventually he was hitting $40k a month in net commissions.
Cole has now expanded to build teams of remote closers to help other coaches and consultants scale to seven and eight figures.
To succeed as a remote closer, find an offer in the e-learning space that’s already validated.
They must have warm, consistent lead flow.
And lots of client results.
Then, when you take calls, enroll, don’t sell. High pressure sales tactics will do more harm than good.
Qualify them, make them commit to their vision.
And model a mentor.
Cole’s Remote Closing Academy is a great option. He’ll teach you everything you need to know and introduce you to business owners who would be ideal to sell for.
Cost varies so book a call to discuss.
Or tap below for an alternative.