Timothy Smith is the CEO of Prodigal Developments, a company that coaches and partners with students to invest in property across Australia, UK, and USA.
“Are you tired of saving up for a down payment every time you want to buy a new property?” he asks. “The traditional wisdom in real estate says save up 20% for a down payment, take out a loan, and then pay that loan back over the next 30 years.”
Go on, T, I’m listenin’.
“Now, that traditional way of investing is becoming harder and harder and harder with the rising property prices,” he continues in his adorable little Australian accent.
“The problem is that it requires your hard-earned money and it requires you taking on all the risk if that property doesn’t perform.”
“The strategies that we use have helped us and our clients generate seven- and eight-figure property portfolios without utilizing our own money and without taking on the risk.”
Tim shows a property they just helped one of their members lock up for $750,000. But she didn’t have to dip into her savings at all, nor did she have to take out a loan.
How? By leveraging what’s called an option contract.
“You’ve probably never heard of it,” Tim admits, “but an option is a contract that allows you to control property and profit from property without ever taking on the risk.”
“We can help you do this too. And here’s the best part: If you don’t make any profit? Then you don’t pay us a cent.”
Hmm. Wouldn’t it be difficult to get a seller to agree to an option contract?
Let’s hear from people who’ve already joined Prodigal Academy. See what they have to say.
Here’s Luke, who’s a coupla months in:
“I’m working in real estate currently and this course has helped me tremendously,” he says.
“I was surprised how cheap this course was, with the amount of great content included. It has definitely improved my work life since taking it. And it has enabled me to pursue more deals and more investment opportunities,” he adds.

Another young man had this to say:
“When I joined the Prodigal Academy, I had zero idea how to invest in real estate. I was a complete beginner,” he admits.
“At first I was concerned it would be too complicated for me or that I just wouldn’t have enough money to afford it, but I was so wrong. The strategies they use are simple, they are effective, and they’re very easy to follow.”
“I’m just six months into this program, and I just settled on my first property, $30,000 below fair market value. I’m already eyeing up my second one.”
“And so I can see how this program is already changing my life,” he adds, “and how it will continue to change my life well into the future, for the better.”
“I’m so thankful that I found this program and to the team at Prodigal Academy. I highly recommend you join.”
Okay, that’s better. I hate it when the testimonies are all about how great the guru is and how they love the community and the course is always being updated and blah blah blah. Is anyone making money? That’s what I wanna know. Seems like this kid is well on his way.
Another dude told how he always wanted to get into real estate but didn’t know where to start, and even if he did, he didn’t have the cash or credit to make any moves. But thanks to Tim and his team and their option contract workaround, he’s set to profit $20k in his first three months.
Gotta say, though, something seems off about these reviews. Two of ’em listed the exact same benefits of the program; one of ’em looked like he was glancing at notes; and none of ’em felt genuine – almost like they were ordered off Fiverr or something. Strange.