Real Estate Automation Review

Philly Supercars

Reco Jefferson’s about to break this offer down like an Amazon box and throw it in the recycling bin.

Real Estate Automation is where his team finds properties for you, connects you with brokers and lenders, rehabs the properties on your behalf, places all the tenants, manages them, and you get to collect the cash flow without doing anything. All the rental properties are in your name.

Jeez. Sounds like you’ll have to sell your organs on the black market to afford this.

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From there, you can refi, pull the cash back out that you invested, and repeat the process. Or use it as you see fit. Maybe to buy a green McLaren to use in your many many different biz opp ads.

Either way, rent is one of the few things in this world that consistently goes up. Sure, it’ll pull back for a few months here and there, but over the long haul, people pay more and more rent each month. And yet, soon, Reco predicts there’ll be more renters in America than homeowners.

Why would you not wanna get a piece of that, Reco asks. I’mma toss that question back to him, like a hot potato. Why’s he on the internet, telling all of us about it? Why not just go do it? But I think we both know the answer. There’s exponentially more (and faster) money in selling automation services than there is in being a real estate investor.

Plus, this guy’s double-talkin’ worse than a politician on election day. When he was pitching done for you Amazon stores last week, he said Amazon good, real estate bad.

In this presentation, it’s the opposite. Real estate’s safe, ecom’s risky. Oh, and a different day, it was OnlyFans new, everything else old.

How can you knock your own offers?

I’ll give it to him though. He’s got all the stats and charts and numbers to make it seem like a good idea. Tax benefits, appreciation, cash flow, blah blah blah. Compared to buying Coca-Cola stock and holding it for 10 years, you’d make more money, per year, with one of Reco’s hypothetical buy and hold rental properties.

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I used the word hypothetical on purpose because his numbers seem like a stretch.

To argue his point, Reco says he bought a house for $40,000. Spent $25,000 on the rehab. Rents it out for $1,200 a month.

I mean, maybe. But (a) where’s he finding these dumps, and (b) who’s paying that much in rent to live there? Seems high for a property he’s only invested $65 Gs in.

I dunno. I could be wrong. Maybe that’s exactly how it worked out.

Which would beg the question: Bro, why are you not out doing more of those deals yourself?

Reco doesn’t address that, but says you should have about $80k if you wanna move forward with his Real Estate Automation program.

“You’re probably thinking this is too good to be true,” he admits. “It’s not. We know where to find these rental properties. We know what works and where you’re gonna be able to make money and where you aren’t gonna be able to make money. You don’t know where to find good contractors or what’s a good price. We do. And you don’t have time to manage the properties yourself. We do.”

“And guess what,” Reco wraps it up with, “if we can’t deliver you a turnkey rental property within the first year, I’ll refund you the assignment fee myself. So there is pretty much no risk to you whatsoever.”

“We’re so confident because we know what we’re doing. All you have to do is sign some paperwork. That’s it. So, ya know, what’s not to love about it?”

Hmm. Maybe the fact that you sell a dozen different automation offers, and every last one of ’em sounds like a unicorn in a pony costume?

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