Natalie Hodson says, if you woulda told her nine years ago that she was gonna have a successful online business selling digital products? She probably woulda spit her pumpkin spice latte all over the place, unable to contain her laughter, because, seriously, digital products were like a foreign language to her.
Natalie was a history major in college. She admits, she’s not good at most things.
Maybe you can relate?
“In fact, just a few years ago, I had little babies at home,” Natalie says. “And I was trying to find a way I could bring income in from home. And at the same time, I had this feeling inside of me that I was made for more. I just had no clue how to make it happen.”
So she tried all sorts of things. Multilevel marketing, which was just sad and got her nowhere. She babysat. Mowed lawns. You name it.
But once she figured out the internet game, finally, everything started to click.
She began selling eBooks (PDF documents with lipstick, basically) for like $37. On what? Just stuff she was into at the time. Healthy cooking, losing her baby bump, etc.
And the funny thing about these little $37 sales?
Well, when you’re making thousands of ’em, they add up. Within a coupla years, Natalie had become an info product millionaire.
(Werk it, gurl!)
Natalie sees no reason you can’t do the same.
She’ll happily teach you her step-by-step process – for making millions with digital products – inside her Peak Business Academy course.
Cost is $1,997.
She swears, her approach is unlike anything that’s out there. This is the new way to make and market virtual products.
Think you’re not qualified? Pause and reconsider, sis.
“All you need to do,” Natalie says, “is take your own life experiences and turn them into products that can serve other people. And it’s not as hard as you might think.”
Okay, but what if there’s tumbleweeds blowing through your Instagram account? And you’re hearing crickets over on Facebook? And you’ve never uploaded a YouTube video in your life?

“Well guess what?” Natalie counters. “I didn’t have a following either when I first got started. You don’t need an existing audience in order for this to work. I’ll teach you my workaround for that.”
Okay, what if we’re knee-deep in adulting and working for the man without a minute to spare?
Again, Natalie handles the objection like a superhero blocking bullets with her wrist cuffs (*ping-ping). When she wrote her first eBook, she had munchkins to care for, she was going through a divorce, working those side jobs. But she found a way, and so can you.
And the beautiful thing about this business model?
Once you’ve got it all set up, the sales trickle in 24/7, whether you’re at your kid’s soccer game, or aboard an airplane headed someplace warm and sunny, or, heck, just unwinding with some Hulu.
The main reason Natalie’s promoting Peak Business Academy?
Not the money, she claims. It’s ’cause, back when she got going, she sooo wishes she had someone who believed in her. An older sister, a mentor, just someone to tap her on the shoulder and be like, “Natalie, this works. Believe in it. Believe in yourself.”
She wants to be that person for you.
Gotta say, it’s weird that she’s running ads for this program when she’s literally on trial for manslaughter as we speak. (Drunk driving. Hit-and-run, apparently. Boise, Idaho. You can Google it.)
That just doesn’t quite feel right to me.