Jack Patel flips cars and works in the car industry for high profits. He’s been doing it for 15+ years now.
It’s a $3.8 trillion dollar a year industry, so there’s plenty of opportunity if you know what you’re doing.
And if so, there’s no reason you can’t make an extra $5- to $6k a month implementing Jack’s strategies from anywhere in the world. Even with pandemics and wars and recessions going on.
Hmm. Drive cool cars and make money?
Go on, I’m listening.
Since the market’s so massive, there’s a ton of different sectors you can add value (and thus make extra money) in.
Value being the key word there.
Believe it or not, you don’t have to screw anyone over to get ahead in this biz.
You can feel good about what you’re doing.
You can create cash flow and then invest that cash flow into more passive income streams, like real estate, stocks, and maybe even some crypto.
But you’re gonna need a good foundation to build off of, and that’s where Jack comes in.
It’ll still take work, but it’s worth it.
- Jack’s semi-retired.
- Lives in Arizona.
- Toodles around in exotics.
- Golfs 4-5 times a week.
- He’s free.
- Owns his time, owns his life.
And that’s what he wants for you.
Are you an ambitious entrepreneur? Someone who’s tried ecom, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, or maybe you’ve started a digital marketing agency and failed?
Passionate about cars?
If so, this just might be your way outta the 9-5 grind.
But what exactly does Jack do, right?
Well here’s what he doesn’t do.
He doesn’t act like a sleazy salesman.
He doesn’t sell people junkers that have more issues than what he told ’em.
Nope. It’s about doing the right thing, pleasing your clients, protecting your reputation.
Pick a niche. Car flipping being the most popular example.
Solve problems, fulfill desires, sell people a reliable car that can get ’em from A to B reliably and comfortably and with all the features they’ll enjoy.
Collect profits, earn repeat business, repeat.

So what are the biggest mistakes you can make in this business?
Number one, Jack says, is relying on outdated tactics that no longer work.
Second is learning from gurus who don’t actively practice what they preach.
Third is not understanding what’s hot and what’s not, in today’s car market.
Fourth is not knowing your numbers.
Fifth is an inability to close deals.
And, sixth and final, is what he talked about earlier: doing things to make yourself a quick buck, even if it means your client has to take an L.
“The one key thing that successful people have in this business,” Jack explains, “is a fail-proof system to follow.”
“One that consistently generates income, avoids costly mistakes, and pretty much guarantees their freedom,” he continues.
“Which is where I come in.”
“I can help you position yourself in the marketplace as an expert in your niche. Everyone will know you’re the go-to guy for all things automotive in your area.”
“I’ll help you set up creative and effective marketing campaigns that are long-lasting and cheap.”
Or, you can always go it alone and try to figure all this out yourself.
It’s risky, you might end up losing lots of money, especially in the early stages, and it could take years to build momentum.
But hey, if trial and error’s your thing, be Jack’s guest.
For everyone else, book a call with him to learn about his coaching program.
He doesn’t say what it costs, but it’s probably not cheap.
He seems plenty credible, but I thought his pitch was a little light on details.