Chris Winfield and Jen Gottlieb are the adorable couple behind the award-winning PR agency, Super Connector Media.
They sell a five-day challenge to help get you featured on television, even if you’re not an influencer, a household name, or you stink on video.
It’s called the Be On TV Bootcamp, and people are using it to establish themselves as thought leaders in their fields, make clients come to them, generate five times more leads than they could hope to handle, and get booked up to three to six months in advance.
Online CEOs founder Josue Pena says the commonly prescribed advice to “just follow your heart” is bullcrap.
For instance, he wanted to become a professional soccer player, but there came a time when he had to face the facts: he was never gonna be Cristiano Ronaldo. Maybe he could be the CR7 of Instagram marketing though, right?
“And I remember, in July of 2017, I made $11,000 on a cold pitch to 180 people on Instagram,” Josue says. “It was amazing. That money saved my butt.”
Allie Bloyd isn’t one to humble brag, but a lot of people wanna know her story. How’d she get to where she’s at today? What were her biggest struggles? How much is she making per month?
And based on all that, can you trust her to help you grow your business? Let’s find out.
Allie’s entrepreneurial journey started back in middle school, when she was about 12 years old.
Her mom and stepdad had started a real estate investment company, and they hired her to do the literal dirty work. Painting, mowing lawns, cleaning, junk removal, you name it.
Brian Cristiano had a come-to-Jesus moment seven years ago when he realized he didn’t own a business, he owned a job.
“I was running a seven figure marketing agency in Manhattan,” he recalls.
“And on the surface it looked like we were super successful,” he continues. “But when you looked deeper, you could see that there were some big issues.”
“We struggled to get new, qualified leads because most of our clients came from referrals. We didn’t have a predictable way of getting new clients through the door.”
The REAL System was created by Jorge Contreras to help you make passive income with Airbnb.
His story’s crazy.
One of his earliest memories was when he was seven years old and he was selling drugs with his dad. They lived in this little rinky-dink apartment which was constantly getting broken into because people knew his dad always had money on him.
Jorge didn’t know any better, figured all kids lived this way.
His dad ended up dying of alcoholism when he was 12.
The following year his mom abandoned him, so he moved in with his mom’s friend, Estella.
Robert Shemin is a legend in the real estate investing world. He’s written all kinds of books, including one of my favorite titles ever, How Come That Idiot’s Rich And I’m Not?
When asked how he got his start, he had this to say: “I always tell people I had two big advantages over most people when I got into real estate investing.”
“One,” he continued, “was I had no money or no credit.”
“And number two,” Robert said, “I had no interest in real estate investing.”
Wait, what? Keep reading this Robert Shemin review.