Ravi Abuvala says the first time you read Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4-Hour Work Week, you probably thought it was a load of crap.
Yet, a few years after he read it for the first time, he finds himself running a business that’s doing over $500k a month, while only working 6 to 10 hours a week.
“Now the way that I’ve been able to do that is actually not that complicated,” Ravi humblebrags.
“It’s incredibly simple. What I’ve done is I’ve set up a system that acquires new high-paying clients every single month on autopilot,” he continues.
“It has the ability to turn a total stranger into a paying client in six and a half days,” Ravi claims, “and I’m not involved in the process whatsoever.”
“Which means that, realistically, I’m working only 6 to 10 hours a week.”
“Meanwhile, my company, Scaling With Systems, generates millions of dollars a year without me.”
“Not only has this simple system removed me from my business and packed my calendars every single day, but it’s also generated tens of millions of dollars collectively for my over 2,100 clients.”
“Now, for the first time ever,” Ravi pitches, “I am releasing our Client Acquisition Pack.”
It’s a system that turns total strangers into high-paying customers in less than a week.
And the best part?
If you don’t see a significant boost in sales? You can shoot Ravi a message and he’ll issue a full refund.
When you go to Ravi’s pitch page, he tells you how it wasn’t always this way.
When he first launched his business, he was doing what everybody told him to do – cold call, door knock, beg friends and family for referrals, etc. – but none of it worked.
Not only that, but it left him angry.
Angry at the gurus for their bad advice, angry at himself for actually believing them.
Instead of throwing in the towel, though, he chose to go deep.
Ole Ravi whipped out the books and started studying the greatest marketers of all time.

Ravi deconstructed websites that had made their owners tens of millions of dollars.
He invested what little money he had into masterminds and coaching programs so he could model the true masters of client-getting.
While he made some progress, a lot of what he was learning wasn’t all that applicable to today’s fast-paced digital world.
Until, that is, he discovered something so powerful that it could guarantee profitable high-ticket customer acquisition for the rest of his life.
On the brink of bankruptcy, Ravi implemented it inside his biz, and here we are.
Ravi’s spent the last few years battle-testing and refining his system.
His clients have now used it with similar success across countless industries.
Soon, word starting getting out.
People that Ravi used to look up to – billionaire CEOs, celebrities, Fortune 500 companies – all wanted him to implement it inside of their business.
Ravi began teaching it on stage, at other people’s events, and even for some of his own family members.
It’s all detailed, step by step, in his latest offer: Client Acquisition Pack.
So before you waste any more time or money on cold outreach, ads, or funnels, the Client Acquisition Pack can help you get 15 to 20 new sales meetings per day, using nothing more than your iPhone.
There’s all kinds of promises and bonuses.
Cost is just under $40.
There’s already two potential upsells when you go to pay, and many more coming your way after you do.
Can I be honest with you?
I went from respecting Ravi (when he came out with his first Scaling With Systems offer, which was tastefully marketed), to thinking he’s the Flavor Flav of get rich quick.