Business Lending Blueprint Review

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Oguz “Oz” Konar looks like he just walked off the set of an ’80s porn. He’s the founder of Business Lending Blueprint and Business Credit Success Blueprint.

He says you can make over a million dollars a year as a business loan broker.

There’s a science to it. And once you know it, it works every time.

But don’t worry, Oz isn’t gonna tell you to smile and dial, hustle harder, or work longer hours.

More movement doesn’t necessarily mean more progress, right?

The key is to make the switch from consumer to producer.

My Business Lending Blueprint review is below.

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The average person spends more than two hours a day on social media and more than an hour a day checking email. That’s three-plus hours where you’re consuming other people’s content, right?

What Oz wants you to do, instead, is to flip the script and be the one producing on those platforms.

Run your own YouTube ad, send your own email pitch.

Leverage software and tech to scale.

Capitalize on compound interest just like you would in the stock market.

Stop giving in to instant gratification, get out of your comfort zone, control your time.

One of the questions Oz gets asked most often by people who’re considering joining Business Lending Blueprint is: How long does it take to start making money with it?

What he tells them is that, if they stick with it and keep applying what they’re learning, they should be at $10k a month within six months.

From there, if they keep going and going and going, that $10k could turn into $100k a month.

But if it’s so doable, why isn’t everyone a six or seven figure loan broker then?

It’s usually one of four things.

  1. Either they don’t know where to start.
  2. Or they don’t know what to do next.
  3. Or they don’t trust that it’ll work out.
  4. Or maybe they’re just not willing to invest the time or money that it takes.

Business Lending Blueprint takes care of the first three, but you gotta supply the capital and energy.

As long as you can do that, Oz has five lending options you can crush it with.

The first is targeting people who need money to start a business, or maybe they’ve already started it but they’re low on cash and don’t have the track record to qualify for traditional loans.

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This is called startup funding or a “syndicated line of credit” and you can lend anywhere from $5,000 on up to $150,000, with 0% interest for 12-18 months.

Basically, you’d be helping the client sign up for the right credit cards, in the right order, so they get approved for as many as possible.

The catch here is they would need to have good personal credit (with a credit score of 680 or better) or a cosigner who does.

Your cut, as a broker, would be roughly $1- to $5k.

A second way to make money as a business loan broker is by offering real estate lending.

Once the banks cut an investor off and assuming they don’t wanna use hard money lending, well, that’s where you come in.

You can get them nontraditional loans at around 5- to 9% interest, and earn $15k or more, in commissions, in the process.

Third, you got equipment financing.

Businesses need to buy stuff all the time, right? You can provide them with alternative lending and make a few grand for yourself in the process.

Lending option number four is working capital slash merchant cash advance.

This is a very transparent product.

If a small biz needs $50k, and you can get it for ’em, they’ll know ahead of time, “Okay, I’ll owe a total of $60k and I gotta have it paid back by this date.”

The commission’s really good on this type of lending, too.

Last but not least, number five, you can just help businesses learn how to build business credit themselves.

Consult them, for a fee, and enable them to solve their own money problems.

It’s all covered inside Business Lending Blueprint.

Cost is roughly $2,200. Pay plans available.

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