Freedom Navigator Workshop Review

Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Sophie Howard has more courses and masterminds than I can keep up with, but here’s her latest.

It’s being sold under her Aspiring Entrepreneurs brand, and it’s called Freedom Navigator Workshop.

“Now this program is something I’ve put so much work into,” she says in the pitch video.

“I’m really proud of it; it’s really up-to-date; it’s stuff that’s working right now,” she promises.

“And if you’re about to start an online business, this is the stuff you really need to be aware of and clued up in and feeling really confident about.”

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“So that, when you get started, you take the right steps in the right direction,” Sophie explains.

“You’re really confident and you can move swiftly towards your goals.”

“So we’ve put together the program to take you through the very beginning, assuming this might be your first business.”

“We assume it’s an online business; we don’t teach you anything about how to set up a retail store.”

“This is all smart online stuff that will help you generate new income streams.”

“We’re very particular about profit; we don’t want to see you busy and broke,” Sophie laughs.

Working smarter, not harder – on an internet business that suits you.

Freedom Navigator kicks off with some tutorials and quizzes that help you figure out what type of entrepreneur you are, what your strengths are, how much risk you’re okay with, and so on.

And then, based on that, which business models you should pursue.

Then you’ll get into some deeper training on all the main models, how they work, how they generate money for the owners, the pros and cons of each, and you sorta narrow it down from there.

After that, Sophie covers critical skills for success. Things like:

  • How to make your website
  • How to do your online marketing
  • How to build a virtual team
  • How to be more productive
  • How to stay motivated
  • How to structure your business so that it runs as efficiently as possible
  • And so on and so forth

In total, there are eight modules and two bonuses: a Money Mindset Masterclass (valued at $197) and Monthly Training Sessions – one new training video added every 30 days – so you stay on the cutting-edge.

Freedom Navigator
See Our Top-Rated Program

“We’ve got so many extras in here to keep you on track and motivated and moving along through these steps,” Sophie says.

“And there’s really not that many steps.”

“You could do this whole thing in weeks, not months.”

“You could be up and running and seeing really good progress and seeing the results from your hard work.”

“So, we know there’s some work ahead. You have to learn.”

“We don’t want you making mistakes that are avoidable or spending time and money doing stuff – trial and error – that’s just not necessary,” Sophie explains.

“It’s called the Freedom Navigator because the focus is really on getting you financial freedom, new sources of income that are as passive as possible.”

“Giving you time freedom, financial freedom, and also, a thing that I’ve really enjoyed in my own business, is having that feeling of pride in what I’ve created.”

“Whether that’s a product or a service, it’s a really nice feeling to be promoting something that you’re really proud of.”

“So I want that feeling for you as you take your idea to market.”

“We can even help you brainstorm ideas for products if you haven’t got that far yet.”

Freedom Navigator Workshop is comprehensive, current, and you can dive in and go at your own pace as soon as you join.

How much does it cost?

Right now it’s listed at $197. Price may go up in the future.

No refunds, unless you have a valid complaint; but even then, you have to jump through hoops to qualify.

Zero problem with this particular Sophie Howard offer, but more so with her in general.

She’s a tornado dressed up as a breeze.

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