Pace Morby is the founder of Subto, a real estate education program and community that teaches creative financing strategies to real estate investors of all experience levels.
This way, they can do deals without cash, credit, or credentials.
Something Pace knows all about. He built his real estate investing business by taking dead wholesaler leads and turning them into profitable projects in just about every major market in America.
Should you invest in his mentoring? That depends.
Read on for my Pace Morby review.
“Right now, if you generated 100 leads in your business, you’d be lucky if 10 of those leads are actually workable,” Pace says.
“Meaning sellers that have enough pain, sellers that need you to solve their problem,” he continues.
“So that wholesaling – the traditional method of getting into discounted real estate – actually can solve their problem, right?”
“But the other 90 leads are dead to you.”
“That’s why a lot of wholesalers are going around saying, ‘My leads are trash.’ No, actually they’re not. Wholesaling’s just becoming outdated,” Pace explains.
“If wholesaling’s the only thing you’re doing, you’re not going to make money in this business. You might do some deals, you might make some money, but ultimately it is not going to be a business for you.”
“It’s not going to be something that has longevity, it’s not going to be something that you can scale yourself out of.”
“In fact, most of the wholesalers I know are stuck going on appointments, are stuck on the phones.”
“Because they simply don’t make enough money and they’re not turning enough deals out of those same 100 leads.”
“And that’s where the strategies I do, and I talk about, will absolutely change your life,” Pace preaches.
“So I look at those 100 leads and I get more excited about the 80 or 90 ‘trash leads’ than the wholesalers get excited about the 10 workable leads.”
“Yes, my team works those other 10 leads. Yes, we do wholesaling.”
“But, you know what? If I relied entirely on wholesaling? My business would be me on the phone trying to close deals because I couldn’t afford to scale out of that model.”

Pace has the missing tools you need in your arsenal:
- Subject-to
- Seller finance
- Hybrid
- Novation agreement
- Lease option
- Sub-tail
- Agreement for sale or land contract
- And the list goes on and on
He’s got about 15 different strategies that he teaches his Subto students.
Speaking of which, if he’s so good at all of this, why bother teaching?
Pace doesn’t beat around the bush: it’s ’cause the people he teaches are the ones who bring him most of his deals. So the more people he mentors, the better his investing biz does.
“Last year we did easily over 1,500 deals between me and my students,” he says. “1,500.”
“There’s not a single state that we have not closed escrow in.”
“It is so fun to build this community and do deals with everyone. I want you to come into this community and we can do deals together.”
“That is the key. I’ve got so much proof.”
“We’ve got hundreds and hundreds of great reviews. And we’ve got an amazing Facebook group.”
“But man, you couldn’t pay me enough to go back to just being a wholesaler. Are you kidding me?” Pace laughs.
“What’s cool about my business is I don’t need to be there every day. I can build other businesses, I can go do a TV show with A&E. That’s impossible with wholesale,” he points out.
“So I would strongly encourage you, if you’re in wholesale or you’re trying to get into wholesale, get on the phone with my team.”
“I want to do deals with you or I want you to do deals with our community.”
“You can build an entire scalable business without spending any money on marketing whatsoever. Let’s talk.”
Cost is apparently $8,800 to join the Subto coaching program.
Over the years Pace went from knocking on the door of gurudom to kicking it clean off the hinges. Now he’s inside smoking cigars with Grant Cardone and Dean Graziosi, asking what he should do if the FTC comes after him.
Literally can’t stand the guy.
The peace-sign hats. Wearing bandanas around his neck. Using his wife and kids as sales props. His butt buddy Jamil who projects major creeper energy.
What else?
The way he’s got his hands in everything, partnered with everyone. He’ll sell anything at any price to anybody with a credit card or a 401(k) they can cash out. Just zero conscience.