Vodyssey founder Shawn Moore says in just six short months, you could own your very own vacation home that cranks out passive income to the tune of $5-, $10-, or even $15,000 a month.
Plus, you can visit it whenever you want to, stay there with your family a few weeks a year; and the rest of the time, it’s professionally managed by another company.
Not to mention the yuge tax write-off you’ll get, right?
Wanna know more? Read every word of this review.
“Part of the reason most entrepreneurs are so bad at building wealth through investing,” Shawn says, “is because they’re a bad fit for most long-term investment strategies.”
“As an entrepreneur, you’re a risk-taker and you’re not going to stop doing that whether you should or shouldn’t. This means, you need to find assets that you can invest in that you can control and mitigate your risk during the ups and downs of different markets so that your propensity for risk can actually benefit you instead of hurt you.”
“Combine your appetite for risk and reward with an asset that you can completely control and have a ton of fun owning, and now you can move as fast as you want to.”
“There’s a certain type of vacation home investment that checks all the boxes, that I call lifestyle assets.”
“And right now, you have the perfect opportunity to dive right in.”
“In the past couple of years, I’ve helped over 1,000 people invest in lifestyle assets. And you can do it on the side of whatever you’ve got going on currently.”
At Vodyssey, Shawn teaches a proven process for locating, acquiring, managing, and marketing successful vacation homes.
His top students are profiting $50- to $150,000 a year, from just one property.
Please understand: this is not a time share play, it’s not factional ownership, you’re not gonna be a management company, you’re not gonna do rental arbitrage or cohosting.
Nope. You’re gonna buy, own, and make good money off of a short-term vacation rental. And then rinse and repeat.

To do this right, you need to take a 3D approach.
First, you need to know how to locate profitable lifestyle assets and analyze them in any market.
Second, you need to understand the best management structure to deliver a fairy tale experience to your guests.
Third, you need to know how to maximize your asset and deliver your message to dominate without relying on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo.
If you get these three things dialed in, it’s game over. Then you go out and do it again, and again, and again.
“Most hosts are building their business on somebody else’s platform, with a very ‘me too’ offer,” Shawn says. “This is like building a house on someone else’s land.”
“This is problematic for three reasons.”
“One, if your message is the same as everyone else, you’re just shouting from the crowd and there’s nothing that’s making you stand out.”
“Two, if you are the same as everyone else, you’re just a commodity. Now you’re forced to compete only on price.”
“Three, if you get all your business from someone else’s platform, you’ll never build your own customer base. You’re just borrowing Airbnb’s customers, for example.”
Shawn solves this by helping you build out your own property website on his proprietary software system.
Then he’ll show you how to run Facebook and Google ads to drive the right people to that website, where they can book a stay directly through you.
This allows you to increase your occupancy, raise your rates, create your own customer base, and get repeat bookings and referrals at will.
The Vodyssey coaching program will cost you around $7,000, according to other reviewers.