Eric Misch, looking like an iStock photo, was working at a cushy corporate job just three years ago. Paid well, great benefits, company car.
But after being there 14 years, he felt burnt out. Plus, he’s always wanted to be an entrepreneur.
So when the pandemic hit, he figured it was time to just go for it. He quit, went all in on his business, and now he’s grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.
Good for him, right? What’s this gotta do with you? Read on for my review.
“There’s a saying to dig a well before you’re thirsty,” Eric says.
“When I was stuck in the corporate grind, I was working 50 to 60 hours per week, always stressed out, and my health was even starting to suffer,” he continues.
“And I noticed my colleagues were in a similar situation. It seemed like every year the expectations were being raised and the tools and resources we had to work with were becoming more and more scarce.”
“That’s when a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of leverage and residual income. Now coming from a background of linear income, this was all new to me.”
“But what he taught me was that, with the right tools, the right system, and the right coaching and mentorship, that I could build a powerful residual income while working my demanding corporate job.”
“And that’s exactly what I did. Within just a few years, the income from my business matched my income from my corporate job. And a few years later, when I needed an exit strategy? There was one waiting for me right there,” he explains.
Eric was able to peace out from the corporate world at the age of 45 and focus his full-time efforts, from that point forward, on building his biz.
Now he’s got more time freedom than he ever could’ve imagined. He does what he wants, when he wants, with who he wants.
He’s passionate about ministry work, traveling, and just enjoying the little moments with his wife.
He’s also recently started coaching and mentoring others who wanna follow in his footsteps.
Is that you? Scroll down, keep reading.

“I have an organization of over 66,000 customers and distributors,” Eric says.
Multilevel marketing? Check, please.
“We’re in multiple different countries, two different continents,” he brags.
“If you’re in a similar situation then I’d love to talk to you. Head on over to EricMisch.com and book a Discovery Call to see if this opportunity that I found 10 years ago might also be a good fit for you.”
“Imagine creating a thriving side hustle, so your family and friends are asking how you did it; and being mentored, guided and supported every step of the way.”
Eric never says what the company is, but it’s in the “organic foods and healthy lifestyle” space. It’s a $70-billion-dollar-a-year industry.
They’re on a mission to educate busy professionals about the toxins in their food and show ’em a better way to eat without breaking the bank.
So if you’re growing unhappy with your wage and work conditions, and you spend any amount of time online just aimlessly scrolling through social media, why not post about this opportunity and recruit people like Eric’s doing?
Look, he seems like a great guy. Gorgeous wife. They’re out there living their best life together. He’s even got some testimonials from other people he’s sponsored who had nice things to say.
I have no issue with Eric or the way he’s presented this opportunity.
But man, I’ll just never be on board with network marketing. And neither will the average person, which is why all these funnels go to great lengths to hide what they’re really selling.
Because if they came right out and said it, almost everyone would bounce.