Mindy Paul Reviews


Mindy Paul went from high school dropout, told by his teachers he’d never amount to anything, to jumping from business to business, racking up serious credit card debt, to eventual six figure entrepreneur with clients all over the world.

Now he’s got time and money freedom, and wants to help you do the same.

At age 37, Mindy was sitting on the couch at home with his children when he fell critically ill. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctor gave him 48 hours to live.

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Mindy never says what the underlying condition was; just that he watched a Bob Proctor video on repeat and, through the power of prayer and positive thinking, defied his prognosis and made a full recovery.

“And that’s when I made a promise to myself,” he recalls. “If I’m able to go out and live life and do the things that I want to do, I’m gonna make sure that anybody that I connect with or make contact with that does not have to lie in this bed, that I help them manifest the life that they want, too.”

Hmm. Why not tell us what caused you to go from happy and healthy to knocking on death’s door in a matter of minutes? My poppycock-o-meter’s in the red.

But anyways, back to Mindy’s miraculous comeback story.

“So here I was,” he continues, “walking outta the hospital, thinking, ‘This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t be alive right now.’ So I made a decision. ‘You know what, Mindy? What do you really want?’ This is like a rebirth of me. I knew that I had to take this chance.”

“I was living way below my potential,” Mindy admits. “And one of my big goals was to work with Bob Proctor. I knew that he was the one that was gonna help me get to my dreams, my goals, my ambitions.”

“So I made a decision that I’d been putting off for many many years, that I was gonna go to Toronto and I was gonna work with Bob. And there I was, in Bob’s office, talking to Bob. I was making my dreams come true. I took action, I made a committed decision to take life seriously for the first time.”

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Mindy kept thinking of himself, lying helplessly back in that hospital bed. No way he was gonna squander his second chance. (Assuming any part of that story is true.)

From here, Mindy continues chasing his tail verbally.

“I had to find out what I truly wanted. I had to identify my purpose. I knew I made a promise to myself in that hospital bed and I had to keep it. I needed to know why I was on this earth and what I truly wanted, and I was determined to find out.”

Scrambled self-help omelette, anyone?

When Mindy finally gets around to mentioning business, it’s more of the same.

Been an entrepreneur since I was a kid; I’ve had some huge, embarrassing failures, as well as some massive successes.

The only specific detail he gave was the fact that he was able to drive his dream car – a slime green Porsche 911 – in his late 20s.

Again, doesn’t make a ton of sense if he didn’t get his life together until after he almost died, which happened when he was 37.

Nonetheless, Mindy’s proud of where he’s at now.

He believes he’s leaving a legacy, an impact, a mark on this planet. He wants to be remembered for the person he is, not the car he drives.

I meeean, the irony is so thick you could spread it on toast. Mindy’s Instagram is littered with car pics.

But now he flips it around: if you had 48 hours to live, would you dig deep to defy the odds? Would you start playing all out?

If so, he’d like to sell you his Mind, Money & Business coaching – where you’ll learn to manifest the good life – for about $19,000.

I think I’ll pass.

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