Mike Mark calls himself an investor, advisor, and artist. He owns CoachingSales.com, where he finds high ticket closers for anyone who sells a coaching program or premium service.
“Have you been dreaming of hitting your first $100,000 month?” he asks in a pitch video on NetMore.io.
“I remember that used to feel like the holy grail and I used to tell myself, ‘Once I hit my first $100,000 month, everything will be different,'” Mike recalls.
Mike figured at that point he could:
- Hire the help he needed.
- Spoil his family.
- Invest in his own personal development.
- Join higher-end communities.
- Rub elbows with other movers and shakers.
- And contribute to the causes that are near and dear to his heart.
“And you know what?” he says. “That’s exactly what happened.”
“But don’t get me wrong,” he continues.
“There were plenty of bumps and potholes along the road.”
“And scaling past a hundred grand a month? That’s a whole other deal.”
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, right?
For now, let’s just focus on bringing in $100k in 30 days, for the first time ever in your business.
“Something I know that I can help you do,” Mike says.
“I’ve gotten good at scaling businesses. Got it down to a science at this point,” he claims.
“In fact, if I told you the number of clients who hit their first $100,000 month with us, you probably wouldn’t believe me, so I’m not even gonna bother.”
“And listen, I’m not trying to toot my own horn. I don’t have the magic pill for you.”
“Ultimately, though, what we do have, is data.”
“Data is why we’re so successful at taking companies that are making $10-, $20-, $30,000 a month, and helping them get to $100-, $130-, $150,000 a month.”
Data. You heard the man:
- They’ve been behind the scenes of so many businesses.
- They know exactly what works and what doesn’t.
- They know what funnels are working today.
- How to book calendars out for weeks and weeks.
- How to pretty much eliminate no-shows.
- Objections people are having.
- Buying triggers.
You name it, Mike and his crew can claim it, apparently.

According to Mike, when a new client signs on with him, all his team has to do is copy and paste what works and then advise them against doing what doesn’t.
So, assuming you’re a business owner who’s itching to get to $100k/month, that’s what this offer’s all about.
See, Mike’s compiled the 80/20 of what you need to do to reach that goal as soon as possible.
He’s got the insight, the wisdom, the golden nuggets, the exact moves you need to make to bust through your current plateau and never look back.
“Not only that, but I’m also gonna share with you the top five mistakes digital marketers make when scaling to 7-figures,” Mike picks back up.
“And we’ve packaged this up into a live one-day virtual event called Your First $100,000 Month.”
“And the best part? You ain’t gonna pay $3,000 for a ticket.”
“It’s not gonna cost you $1,997 or even $997.”
“Heck, I’m not even gonna charge ya $499.”
“I’m pretty much giving this thing away at just $49,” Mike pitches.
“Best case scenario, you leave the event with a crystal clear roadmap to pass $100k a month.”
What about the worst case scenario?
You’re out $49, Mike says bluntly. Big deal.
“Maybe I’m biased, but that seems like a no-brainer to me. So don’t overthink it. Don’t procrastinate,” Mike warns.
“Just buy your ticket right now. I’m Mike Mark with Coaching Sales and I look forward to seeing you at Your First $100k Month.”
My thoughts?
I do not believe the average person will attend this workshop and have their first $100,000 month soon after.
Or ever, for that matter.
And I bet it’s a tripwire for what he really wants to sell ya.
Also, Mike changed his IG bio to say he’s now a reggae rapper. So there’s that.