Hypnosis coach Marczell Klein burst onto the scene when he claimed he hypnotized Jake Paul to KO anyone.
My gut tells me he’s a swindler, but let’s hear him out.
“The strongest, most successful people in the world didn’t get there just ’cause they were lucky,” Marczell says. “It’s because they were persistent. And persistence can only come from somebody who is willing to be able to persevere past the pain and the suffering.”
Scroll down and read on for my full review.
“Your pattern of focus and your ability to take on new challenges and emotions are going to be the difference between your success and your failure, your happiness and your sadness,” he continues.
“Now, how do you control that? Well, the first thing you need to do is become aware of how you’re feeling. I call this an emotional compass.”
“Most people don’t even know that they’re feeling bad. They’re just stressed. They wake up, they’re stressed. They go to work, they’re stressed. They go home, they’re stressed.”
Over time, what does this do? Cortisol shoots up. Testosterone goes down. You’re sick all the time. You’re at increased risk of getting cancer.
Stress literally kills people, right? But that could take decades.
In the meantime, what’s it costing you in terms of quality of life? Unrealized income?
So that’s Step 1: start taking emotional inventory.
Step 2 is to stop focusing on negative outcomes. How the relationship’s gonna end, how you’re gonna get Covid, how the side hustle’s probably gonna stall out, right?
“The brain is five times more likely to focus on what’s wrong than what’s right. You must condition your brain to focus on what you want, not what you believe will happen,” Marczell explains.
“If you believe things that are negative are gonna happen, those things will trigger you. And unfortunately, the brain believes this,” he adds.
“So how do you switch focus to what you want? You change your state.”
“Move around. Walk. Talk. Get into that place. Jump up and down. Do something. Bam! Now you’re in a peak state. Now you can focus on what you want.”

Step 3 is to get clear. Most people don’t have a clue where they’re going. Like a fart in the wind.
If you don’t determine a destination, society will do it for ya.
If your teachers told ya you’re never gonna amount to anything – and you don’t decide against it – guess what, you’re gonna prove ’em right.
If your friends call your business idea stupid and your parents say it’s too risky, and part of you believes ’em? You’ve already lost. So you must set an address in the GPS.
Last but not least, Step 4, is to create a healthy emotional routine. Where, most of the day, you’re in a positive, powerful state.
To do so, you gotta clean the environment, disinfect the wound. Your life is hurting, you’re not where you wanna be.
So ask yourself: What foods are making me feel like crap? How ’bout friends? Websites? Social media accounts? News sources? Netflix series?
You have the ability to wipe all that out. And then, once all the bad is gone, you start filling up on things that empower you.
Books, personal development audios, new friends who’re actually going places, healthier foods, mentors.
Stuff that’s gonna lift you up, stuff that’s gonna help you hit that next level.
So invest in yourself.
The Invisible Influence System, Marczell says, is a great place to start.
It’s his entry-level course on becoming limitless, on unlocking your highest potential.
Cost is $37. No doubt it’s an ascension funnel, though, so expect upsells.
Okay, so I no longer think Marczell’s a charlatan, but I’m not hearing anything earth-shattering either.