Jacob Hicks has a DEAL Method marketing system that can bring you 10-30 high intent motivated sellers each and every month.
Whether it’s due to financial hardship or properties sitting vacant or inherited homes or houses that need a lot of repair, these folks are ready for a cash offer and they’ll be served to you on a pretty pink platter.
If these leads don’t result in at least one new deal for you in the first 90 days, you don’t pay.
Read on for my Magnyfi review.
So what exactly is the DEAL Method?
Apparently, it’s a proven three-step process that helps experienced real estate wholesalers and investors buy an additional one to three off-market properties every month.
It’ll obviously require a marketing budget, so if money’s funny right now, this ain’t for you.
But if it is for you, step one is to Develop and Establish (the D and the E in DEAL Method) your online credibility to create a gap between you and your competition. When you do this, prospects call you first and you win the deal without having to overpay for the property.
There’s a lot you can do here, but being accredited and having a good score with the Better Business Bureau, having strong Google and Facebook reviews, plus testimonial videos from sellers you’ve already worked with – these things are game changers when it comes to credibility.
If 25 other real estate investors offer to buy Susie’s house but you’re the only one who’s optimized your reputation, easy choice. She’s going with you.
Step two, Jacob explains, is they’ll help you Attract (the A in DEAL Method) qualified, super motivated seller leads, which’ll create more stability and consistency in your REI business.
And that’s what most wholesalers and flippers struggle with. They’ll do two deals this month, then go three months without doing one, then luck out and do another one, then who knows when the next one will happen, right?
Jacob and his team at Magnyfi will get you off that nauseating roller coaster once and for all.

The third and final step (the L in DEAL Method) is to Leverage automation to buy more houses.
And this one thing can add over $100,000 to your yearly revenue, Jacob claims.
Because say you get a lead, it doesn’t convert. You add ’em to your long-term nurture sequence (email and text drips). Six months later, their problem’s gotten worse. They get one of your automated emails, decide to reach back out, and boom, you buy their house at a price they’re happy with but with plenty of margin baked in for you. Happens all the time.
“Just a warning though,” Jacob says, “we do limit the number of wholesalers and investors per market. If it’s a bigger market, we may work with multiple investors. It ultimately just depends on the population size. If it’s a smaller market, we do only limit that to one wholesaler or investor.”
“So obviously, if you’re interested, the sooner you can fill out our little Discovery form and book a call with me, the more likely your market is going to be available.”
“Remember our guarantee: if you don’t buy a house within 90 days, we’ll continue working with you, for free, until you do,” he pitches.
Jacob doesn’t say what it costs, but you know this isn’t gonna be cheap. And then, as he already mentioned, you’ll need an ad budget on top of whatever they charge. So this is for serious players only.
But if that’s you, the Motivated Sellers Marketing Program seems like the real deal.
One of their clients, Chris, joked that he was expecting a lot worse. He’d been burned before. Every company he hired was absolute garbage. “I don’t have anything negative to say about you guys. You’re doing a great job,” he laughed.