Dave Lindahl is the founder and CEO of RE Mentor. He’s been investing in real estate for nearly two decades now.
“You could be completely retired from investing in apartment buildings in just 3-5 years,” he says.
“Sound too good to be true? Well we at REMentor have been teaching people from all walks of life – rich and poor, young and old, all races – the art of buying and selling and holding multifamily properties for cash flow, appreciation, and wealth creation,” he adds.
Per Dave, if you can follow a simple system and consistently take small actions, you can be successful investing in apartment buildings.
Their system was created by a team of investors that have over 18 years of experience and have bought, sold and held over 8,000 units across this great country of ours.
Their training is practical, proven and it’s been taught for the last 14 years to people who have a desire to create a better financial future and a willingness to take action to make it happen.
Join them at a two-hour training where you’ll discover the seven steps to investing in apartment buildings:
- Finding the deals
- Analyzing the deals
- Creating offers that get accepted
- Getting the money to fund the deals
- Getting good, quality management companies to manage the deals so you’re not dealing with a single tenant
- Knowing what exit strategies to use and when to use them to maximize profits
- And a concept called emerging market investing
“Using a proven system will get you to your goals faster,” Dave points out.
“You’ve used systems in your day-to-day life. It makes sense to use them in your real estate investing,” he says.
“Proven systems bring you proven results. Hey, you’ve worked hard. Now it’s time to increase your cash flow and obtain a future appreciation with the safety of owning multi-unit real estate properties.”
“I’d like to introduce you to a system on how to invest in multifamily cash flowing properties. Our education team is going to be in your area,” he pitches.

Dave says to pick a day and time that works for you, get registered, and show up to the live event with a pad of paper and a pen ’cause you’re gonna be taking a ton of notes.
It’s free to attend but there is a catch.
At the end, they’ll try to sell you into one of their paid programs.
Based on the value you got from the free training, you can make an educated decision on whether or not to enroll.
Don’t worry, Dave adds, this won’t be anything like those late night get-rich-with-real-estate informercials you’ve probably seen.
“If that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for, then this is not for you and we are not interested in training you,” he says.
“But if you are interested in an easy to understand, step-by-step system that was created by a team of individuals who have been buying and selling these properties for the last 18 years, then this may just be the system for you.”
“So get signed up and discover how this practical information will guide you at making the right decisions and help you avoid costly mistakes as you learn this new skill.”
RE Mentor has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Only three complaints; all of which were handled promptly.
They have a 4.2 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot.
Looks like people have spent anywhere from $1,500 to $50,000+ on their mentoring packages.
I did come across a disturbing news article you might wanna check out about David Lindahl’s checkered past.
I’m dumbfounded how a guy with that on his record can be the name and face of a national real estate training company.