Mike Barron Reviews

100K Sales Program

Mike Barron is what you get when Russell Brunson’s playbook falls into the wrong hands.

His specialty? Selling dreams of instant wealth, then bathing in the proceeds. His trophies? Lamborghinis, designer clothes, luxury vacations, and an unending social media feed parading all the above. This, of course, makes it easier for him to sell the next program for even more money – and the cycle perpetuates.

Mike loves to tell you how he went from Section 8 housing to eight figures in revenue – and you can too!

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How? High-ticket closing. Or at least, that’s what he wants ya to think.

But let’s be real, Mike didn’t fill his garage with two Huracan Evos, a Huracan STO, and now a lipstick-red Urus by taking sales calls. Absolutely not. Those were all paid for by selling you the dream. And boy, it doesn’t come cheap. Once you’re caught in his marketing web, he’ll force-feed you upsells till your credit cards beg for mercy.

“See you at the top (*rocket emoji)!” Mike likes to say.

But are any of his students even getting off the ground? Let’s explore.

Mike runs most of his transactions through a business called Limelight Media, LLC. It has a B+ rating on the Better Business Bureau website. I’m guessing if Mike wasn’t accredited, it would be much lower.

I mean, reading through the complaints on there, it ain’t pretty.

For example, one customer apparently paid $2,000 for one of Mike’s programs that promised they were gonna make all this money online, but they never made a dime.

Then they invested another $10,000 for his Inner Circle, as part of a “partnership program” with a full cost of $50,000. (Russell Brunson would be so proud.)

Anyhoo, this person was continually pressured to invest more money in the program, even before starting it, and lost interest in it. So they requested a refund. Mike’s support staff denied it, citing a three-day refund policy, which the customer found unreasonable given the short timeframe to assess the program’s effectiveness.

As a result, they felt like they got scammed outta $12 Gs – and it woulda been $52k had they kept going.

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Another dude wrote how Limelight Media took him for $10,000 under the false claim that they would make their money back within a specific number of days if they invested in themselves.

Needless to say, that didn’t happen.

The customer feels like they were duped by Mike’s carefully constructed sales script, which manipulated them into purchasing a worthless product. They don’t recommend doing business with Mike. The only ones making any money under his guidance, they claim, are the ones recruiting other people into the pyramid scheme.

They wonder how Team Barron can live with themselves, knowing they’re taking money from innocent people.

Yet another person had given Mike a total of $28,000, and was desperate for a refund that never came.

Someone else described their experience as “participating in an MLM, also known as a pyramid scheme.”

They spent $15,000, went through the training, completed it, and were left with two options: either get placed with one of Mike’s “sloppy partnerships,” where struggle seemed inevitable; or, sell the same $15,000 course for a commission – which is obviously what most people choose.

They, too, called it a pyramid scheme – with Mike at the top, buying Lambos and GTRs.

They actually admitted, yeah, you learn some basic sales skills, but it’s hardly worth $15 racks. They finished by saying how they felt bad for anyone who was recruiting for Mike, knowing they were doing it to survive, not because they believed in it.

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