Apical Ecom Review


Kodi King is the pitchman for Apical E-commerce, an Amazon private label automation company.

They wanna build you a store that’s 99.99% done-for-you. You’ll make passive income predictably and without much risk. Drop down hours at your day job or quit altogether. Scale to 7-figures. Maybe even 8-figures, as Kodi’s done.

Need funding to cover their fee and pay for inventory? They’ll hook you up, as long as you’ve got a credit score of 650 or higher.

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Kodi’s an OG; he’s been on Amazon for like eight years now. He’s launched over 45 products, he’s done all the different business models Amazon allows for, he knows his stuff.

And right now, private labeling’s where it’s at.

But what does that mean, exactly?

So you’ll have either an entirely new product designed from scratch or an existing product will be modified to make it better. It’ll be mass produced and sent to one of Amazon’s warehouses. Eventually, when a sale is made, Amazon will ship it to the customer.

Hence the industry term Amazon FBA, which stands for Fulfillment By Amazon, right?

But yeah, this’ll be your own product, with your own custom labeling, and Kodi and company will even get it trademarked for ya.

They aim to get this all done within the first four weeks of you signing up.

In the short-term, Kodi admits, you ain’t gonna get rich. But over time, this investment should outperform stocks, real estate, potentially even crypto. You just have to be willing to play the long game.

I will say though, the short testimonial clips that Kodi has sprinkled in throughout his presentation seem off to me. It just feels like it’s his buddies saying what he told ’em to say.

I get that same feeling when I look at his IG account (@LifeOfKodi). You’re telling me this dude’s done 8-figures on Amazon?

He looks more like a male model than a nerd who sits behind the computer refreshing stats and writing product listings and optimizing PPC ads and putting out fires and whatnot, am I right?

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And yet, when Kodi King talks – assuming that’s actually his name and assuming that’s even the same guy talking – everything he’s saying seems reasonable.

Like he points out how drop shipping is a violation of Amazon’s terms; and how wholesaling’s harder since Covid; and how Amazon sends 75% more traffic to private label listings; and makes a strong case for this being the safest model, with the most upside, especially during this recession that we’re gonna be in for a while.

I mean, he sounds like he knows his stuff.

Private labeling, he’s convinced, is the only viable way left to make money on Amazon, today and in the future.

Amazon prefers it, your trademark keeps copycats from stealing market share, and you can rinse and repeat and launch multiple private label products in the same niche, which is how you’ll get to those $50-, $60-, $70k net months.

Schedule an Apical Amazon DFY call to learn more. On that call, they can show you more results and case studies from past clients.

One final thing that made me uneasy was, after Kodi’s video sales letter came to an end, I was able to see other videos hosted in that same Vimeo account.

He had similar pitches for completely different opportunities, from Walmart automation to becoming a remote closer, to starting your own coaching program, even a really old video where he was just selling generic mentoring and the name he was going by on that video was Kodiak Brown.

Proceed with caution. Don’t get finessed by this guy.

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