Jaiden Vu partnered with Melissa Ng and Christy Liu to create Launchers Academy. Together, the three ecom and dropshipping experts help newbies get to $10,000 per month and beyond.
Their flagship program costs $2,000, but today’s review is gonna pull back the curtain on their latest low-ticket offer: a Success Kit for $97.
My guess is they wanna reel you in with that, then upgrade ya once you see the value. Fair play to them.
Let’s see what it’s all about.
“Here’s how you can get back more of your time and be financially free,” Jaiden says.
“And what if I told you that you can achieve this in less than two hours a day? See, chances are, I was just like you,” he continues.
“Working my 9–5 job as a corporate chef, just trying to pay the bills. And after doing this year after year, I got tired, I got burnt out. I started looking for ways to make extra money. I tried crypto, real estate, network marketing, and even sold cars for a living. None of ’em brought me closer to my financial goals.”
Then he found dropshipping, and everything changed.
Now he’s jobless, boss-less, schedule-less, and can’t nobody tell him nothin’.
The video I’m watching, he’s in Singapore – a long ways from Canada, which he calls home.
But even better than his own success is the success of their students inside Launchers Academy. This Success Kit is the lightweight version of that. Videos and worksheets and checklists and templates to help you launch a proper drop shipping business yourself.
It’s normally $397, but today’s your lucky day. You can snag it for less than a hundred bucks, get in, get busy, and start sprinting towards your first $10k month with this business model.
If you’re looking for the ultimate side hustle; wanting to make more money without working more hours; eager to do it from the comfort of home, or anywhere you’d like to travel to; and, best of all, give your family the life they deserve? Come on down! You’re the next contestant on The Price Is Right!

What you’ll learn inside Launchers Academy:
- How to find winning products for this year and beyond
- How to build a Shopify store to sell these products
- How to create marketing content
- How to run ads on Facebook and Instagram to drive targeted traffic to your store
- Winning apps you can tie into your Shopify store to make life easy
- What makes a million dollar product, and how to be on the lookout for one yourself
- How to create a brand that makes strangers comfortable buying from you
- How to scale up
- And much more
They’ve got a ton of testimonials, so I feel like you can trust ’em.
For instance, there’s Taylor, who had this to say: “When I came into this, I didn’t know how much all the little things mattered. Copywriting, product research, who and how you target people with your ads.”
“No wonder the average person isn’t getting results,” he continued. “There’s a method behind it, and if you know the method then it’ll work for you. If you’re unsure about joining, just know, you’re not gonna get anywhere if you don’t take the risk.”
Another student, Alison, added: “My most favorite part is just being in the mastermind, getting to know the other members, learning from everyone else’s experience. And just having that support and accountability has been huge.”
“The hardest part of doing it yourself is you have all this self-doubt and some weeks you just feel unmotivated,” Alison admitted.
“Whereas, in this program, it keeps you moving along even if you don’t necessarily feel like it.”
Love the offer, but I’m still not a fan of dropshipping cheap products from China that take six weeks to get delivered.