Clark Kegley says manifestation, meditation, journaling, affirmations – none of it’s gonna work.
Unless you first learn to control the thermostat of your life.
“Picture this,” Clark says in an ad for his Metamorphic mentoring program.
“You’re in Arizona, it’s 110° outside. That thermostat in your house kicks on and brings it down to 68°,” he continues.
“Now you’re in Seattle, it’s freezing outside. That thermostat’s gonna kick on and raise the temperature to 68°.”
“You have an internal thermostat that’s controlling your life,” Clark explains.
“It’s controlling what you can and can’t do. The friends you have. The people you date. How much money you make. How much money you keep. Literally everything.”
“Your thermostat is your internal identity.”
“And if the next 12 months for you are gonna be different than the last? Then don’t do what most people do, which is to just fixate on magic manifestations, right?”
“Which, let’s face it, feels more like voodoo or witchcraft,” he laughs.
“What you need to do is completely rewire that thermostat that you have inside. Or completely rip it out and get a new one.”
“We call this shifting your identity. Creating the 2.0 version of you.”
“This is exactly what we walk you through how to do in our Metamorphic coaching program.”
“We’ve worked with over 300 people one-on-one from all over the world, with all different backgrounds.”
Clark works with four types of people inside Metamorphic:
- Entrepreneurs who’re stuck and can’t get past a certain income level.
- Folks who feel burnt out, who lost that fire they once had.
- Seekers who’ve studied self-development but need help connecting the dots.
- And heartthrobs who desperately wanna attract the right partner.
Do you fit into one or more of those categories?
If so, perhaps Clark’s Metamorphic coaching program is for you. Scroll down, keep reading.

Change is hard, change is scary. Which is why most people never do.
Clark’s not trying to change you. He’s trying to shift you.
Key difference.
Shifting sounds more manageable, huh? It’s more fun, it’s more playful.
You start being the person you wanna become, which makes you feel like you’re on the right path, which allows you to do what needs done to get the outcome you’re after.
The Metamorphic way takes what most YouTube videos, books, and courses recommend and flips it on its head.
“Everything you want,” Clark says, “I’m tellin’ ya, the only way to get it? Is to shift at the identity level. Not just the actions.”
“Does that make sense?”
“When you raise yourself up, the things you attract in life get raised up as well.”
“But what does this process actually look like? First we get crystal clear on the 2.0 you,” he says.
“Then we remove your blocks and baggage.”
“Then we dive into rewiring your subconscious mind so you’re ready to break the cycle of being yourself.”
“And then the last phase is wiring in that identity and making it your new normal.”
Metamorphic accepts new students by application only.
You gotta be fun, cool, easy to work with; motivated and excited to shift; and ready to start now.
Clark doesn’t say how much it costs, but makes it clear: it ain’t free and it ain’t cheap.
So don’t book a call unless you’re able to invest in the new 2.0 you.
I generally can’t stand life coaches. They use cute phrases and act like they can help anyone do anything.
But Clark’s pitch honestly didn’t bother me at all, which is saying something.