Katie Richardson is the creator of CEO BrainCamp, a place where she can help you hit three targets in three months. But without losing traction or creating extra work for yourself in the process.
Okay, how? It’s all thanks to her proprietary Flow System, which she developed, out of necessity, over the last 20 years of being an entrepreneur.
It’s the program she needed back when she was struggling to do it all. Ya know, build the biz, be a great wife and mom, stay fit, keep her faith, be in the moment – all those things.
“I just made the decision that that was not okay with me,” Katie says.
“I was not okay building a business, creating income and wealth, and putting incredible products and services out there if that meant that I was gonna have to sacrifice everything else in my life.”
“That was not okay with me.”
“And so I had to ask a new question. And over time I started to develop this operating system, this Flow System, this way that allowed me to perform at a really high level in my business, with my team, and still be there for the kids’ soccer games and at the church events,” Katie explains.
She wanted to thrive as a CEO but also feel fulfilled.
She wanted a relationship with God, an incredible marriage, to level up her health.
And she did just that.
Her baby products business became a multinational brand, with distribution in 26 different countries.
She was featured on Ellen, made the cover of Entrepreneur magazine. The whole deal.
And she did it without giving up the life that she wanted.
Now she lives in beautiful Puerto Rico with her family. That was her dream; what’s yours?
What is it that you’ve been wanting to achieve?
And yet, even though you work super super hard, you just can’t seem to get there?
“As a CEO, as a leader, I know there’s so many different decisions that you have to make,” Katie says.
“And you’ve gotta get clear on where to focus your time and energy and where to invest your money.”
“And the CEO BrainCamp is one of the things you’re considering.”
“So look, the clients who work with me one-on-one, they pay me, individually, six figures a year, each.”

“And they do that because the ROI on that investment is so significant,” Katie pitches.
“To where, the money they pay me kinda becomes irrelevant.”
“And I love what I do, I’m very passionate about helping entrepreneurs like you.”
“And so I’ve been asking myself, ‘How can I do this in a way where I can help more people at once?'”
“And this is why I developed the CEO BrainCamp,” Katie says.
“It’s a way for me to teach you my Flow System so that you can start to get these results in your life, just like my private clients have. But not at the six-figure price point.”
In fact, CEO Brain Camp is one-tenth the cost.
Just $10,000 is all.
Interested? If so, submit an application and Katie will send you an invite to book a call with her.
On that call, she’ll help you identify your three custom targets you wanna hit.
And then, depending on what those are, she’ll tell you whether or not she thinks her Flow System can help you get there.
If so, she’ll ask you to grab one of the available seats for this very exclusive opportunity.
If not, well, she’ll be honest and say so, and y’all can go your separate ways. No hard feelings.
Inside CEO BrainCamp, in addition to Katie’s Flow System to help you crush three goals in three months, you’ll also get:
- Live coaching from Katie
- Access to support from her CEO network
- Katie’s little-known method for compressing time
- A method for removing toxicity and emotional drain from your body and workforce
- Her proven process for being able to spend more quality time with your family without thinking about work
- And much more
Again, cost is $10,000, but there’s also a money-back guarantee.
Personally, I think she’s full of crap.