Alex Kaplo is the guy behind PublishingCEOs.com. In a new YouTube ad, he says, “I make lots of money on Amazon, but I don’t sell physical products.”
He continues, “Selling physical products on Amazon today is not the best way to make money.”
“Yes, that model still works, however, I discovered a brand new way to make anywhere from $300 to $500 a day, passively, on Amazon.”
What’s slick Rick even talking about? And can you trust him?
Read on for my Publishing CEOs review.
“This new model doesn’t require huge startup costs to buy any kind of inventory to sell physical products,” Alex picks back up.
“Because this new model doesn’t require any inventory,” he says.
“Also, this is something that you can set up once and it pays you for years and years. Even if you do nothing with it.”
“And, not only that, but this is a brand new untapped Amazon business model that hardly anyone knows about. Therefore, there’s little-to-no competition.”
“And the results people are getting are super impressive,” he assures us.
The model Alex is hyping up is just self-publishing on Amazon.
You might hear it referred to as Amazon KDP, which stands for Kindle Direct Publishing.
Kindle, of course, is owned by Amazon. So KDP is where you go to upload, market, and sell eBooks that people can then enjoy on their Kindle devices.
You can also turn any eBooks you create into physical books and audiobooks that you can sell on Amazon and Audible as well.
Alex claims he’s got 300+ books out there, bringing him in hands-free royalties each month.
He’s broken his system down into three basic steps.
First, you wanna validate your book topic.
One that has a high demand.
So what are lots of people searching for lately?
What’s hot?
What are you seeing on social media and in the news?
Probably stuff about the keto diet, crypto, et cetera, right?
But then you have to marry that with something that’s not too competitive.
So maybe you niche down a little bit into like NFTs or something.
And then, just make sure you’re not going up against big brands like the For Dummies books.

Once you’ve got a potential winner, step two is to either write the book yourself or hire a ghostwriter to do it.
While the tendency is obviously gonna be to outsource it, just know, to get a decent writer, it can get pretty pricey.
Based on my research, you’re probably looking at $1,500 or more, depending on how long you want the book to be.
But once you’ve got your digital book made, the third and final step is to upload it to Amazon KDP, create your listing, optimize it, advertise it, hopefully get some sales, and then positive reviews, right?
And then from there, you just rinse and repeat and let the results (or lack thereof) guide you going forward.
So look for The 80/20 Rule.
What are the 20% (or so) of book topics or niches that are producing 80% (-ish) of your income?
Double down on those and ignore the rest.
That’s how you’re gonna take this from a hobby to an actual business.
And yeah, if you’re not writing these things yourself, the expenses are gonna add up, but think of it like digital real estate.
Eventually these assets pay themselves off, and then the rest is yours to keep.
It’s a legit way to make some extra money and Alex seems to walk the walk, so I’ve got no issue with you buying his Publishing CEOs course.
I will say, though, you’ve got gurus like Sophie Howard and the Mikkelsen twins and Karla and Roy (from Fiction Profits Academy) all teaching the same thing; and if each of ’em’s got thousands of students, how much meat is really left on the bone here?
It might be just a smidge more competitive than what Alex wants you to believe, is all I’m saying.